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Date Posted: 16:51:45 06/03/02 Mon
Author: Spider
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Subject: |x|.amusement.|x|
In reply to: 's message, "_> how dumb, how foolish, sweet return, sweet RAGE!" on 18:25:09 06/02/02 Sun

(ooc: Okay,thats a bit to much powerplaying man! I mean,you can't say that cut actually drew blood yet until I say so! I mean,I know Spider can't dodge everything but you can't say that you hurt him everytime you hit him.So,since it's only fair, here goes..)

|. Mascue tries to keep from laughing as 'e watches bronc scrape the air in front 'o 'imself,missing 'im by inches .|
`Can you not see fool? I am right here!`
Dial shakes,but suddenly is flung up in surprise as opponent strikes 'im in 'is barrel
Ot'ers blades create dull thud,pain does not sear stal',yet it angers 'im that such a weakling could be allowed to hit one of 'is kind an' get away wit' it
Occuli burn wit' rage
Waits for not a second b'fore 'e charges at 'im
Crania thumps 'gainst brutes neck,knocking 'im o'er
Retreats to where vampress stands,circling 'er closely,herding 'er back in to the knitted columns 'o wood
Emerges from canopy,iron fores sturdily places in to terra
You 'ave asked 'im a riddle..
so he will answer it...
he whom is the hue 'o black
He whom has the heart 'o black..
the soul 'o black
He who does not lose

|. Beware the spider with four legs..for he is poisonous .|

(ooc: hope that wasn't to bad..don't think it was but whatever.Just don't powerplay to often.A littles okay,and also Spiders not going to 'dodge this'and'dodge that' so I expect that you won't either.Thankies..hope im not to much trouble! lol :)

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