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Subject: About doea

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Date Posted: 00:34:24 01/23/03 Thu
Author Host/IP: ncroes02.telenet-ops.be/

As salaam alaikoem, (a) I listend to the tape 'the moslim home, part 3'. The doea after prayer with hands up, is an inovation. Does that mean that i should stop making that kind of doea with all the others after the fridayprayer, or is the fridayprayer special in this case? Is this innovation haram? (b) You have to excuse me, but then i do not understand something. First you telling in the tape during the sudjoed, that this is the time for making doea, later then on the tape you give 2 excemples of doea that Mohammed (saws) used and then you tell, he (saws) did these between the 2 sadjdas (14:50), so now i'm a little confused. Normally in my prayers i make personal doea in soedjoed when head is on the ground and between them i say 'Rabbigfirly' 3 times. Is this correctly? I hope you can understand me, i do not have the possibility to hear your live lectures, because of no computer at home, so can't i ask you on that moment the questions, but i want to learn the right way of everything about Islam. Your webside at the moment means a lot to me, because i'm in the beginning stage of being moslim, that's wy i have to be with the right persons to not fall in bad ways of bida. So help me and have a little patients with me. Wa alaikoem salaam

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[> Subject: Re: About doea

Laila Nasheeba
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Date Posted: 04:25:27 01/23/03 Thu
Author Host/IP: dhcp024-210-246-039.woh.rr.com/

As Salaamu Alaikoum,

The Prophet(saw) would not make duaa after salat, he made duaa DURING salat. He made duaa to Allah while in Sujood or after the FINAL Tashahud. It is during these 2 positions that you can make duaa asking Allah to forgive your sins, give you what you want or whatever else it is you seek from him.

Making duaa AFTER salat is Innovation.


Laila nasheeba

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