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Subject: Re: Hijab Vs. Mom

Laila Nasheeba
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Date Posted: 01:07:48 02/07/03 Fri
Author Host/IP: dhcp024-210-177-110.woh.rr.com/
In reply to: Muslimah 's message, "Hijab Vs. Mom" on 22:53:50 02/06/03 Thu

As Salaamu Alaikoum,

Praise be to Allah.

Allah says in the Quran the interpretation of the meaning;

"And We have enjoined on man goodness to his parents, and if they contend with you that you should associate (others) with Me, of which you have no knowledge, do not obey them, to Me is your return, so I will inform you of what you did." [Surat 29:8]

Also the prophet(saw) said to obey your parents unless they tell you to do something that is in contradiction to what Allah has said. [agreed by the four]

You Mother is wrong to tell you to disobey Allah and here is where you must draw the line. You are 19 years old which means you are a grown woman and held accountable to Allah for your sins. You should have been covering the way Allah has ordered us when you first started your menses. If Allah were to take your soul right now he will ask you why you disobeyed him in regards to the way you dressed, and he will not accept the answer, "because my mother told me too." He will then ask you why did you listen to her?

You need to begin to dress the way Allah has ordered us to dress now and you simply tell your mother in a respectable tone that she needs to fear Allah herself and also obey his commands of dress.

She can not hide behind the weak imaan excuse that she lives in a kaafir country. There are too many Muslim women in this country who DO wear Hijab and work..such as Myself who works for the Government, and all the million other Muslim women who are teachers, doctors, nurses, government agents, social workers, engineers, attourneys, judges and the likes who have no problem working and obeying Allah in their dress.

Again, you are a grown woman not a little girl and you have to realize that you alone are held accountable for your sins.. not your mother. So obey Allah and warn your mother to as well.

Remember..No one comes before Allah.. not even your mother... And this is what set the Sahabah above us.. they never put anyone.. not their children, parents, husbands, or wives before Allah!


Laila Nasheeba

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