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Subject: Distortion of the Scriptures

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Date Posted: 00:14:24 02/11/03 Tue
Author Host/IP: lsanca1-ar16-4-46-037-094.lsanca1.dsl-verizon.net/

It puzzles me that Allah Subhan wa Ta'ala would permit His revealed Books to be distorted by men, thereby allowing millions of His creatures to be deceived through the centuries and go to hell-fire until all was corrected in the Qur'an. The Tawrat, Zaboor, Kutub al Anbiya and Injeel are all in agreement and are the most highly authenticated of all ancient literature. Of all the revealed Books only the Qur'an is in disagreement on basic issues. Must Muslims close their eyes to these realities? Practicing Christians tell me that their lives have been transformed,
drug addicts have become humble worshippers and have the guarantee of eternal life with all their sins completely forgiven because Isa (pbuh) willingly died on the cross to pay the penalty for their sins and rose again on the third day. Is it enough for Muslims to simply say that the previous Books are distorted because the Qur'an contradicts them? This is very confusing to me. I would be grateful if one of the respected ulema on this site would respond to me.

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[> Subject: Re: Distortion of the Scriptures

Laila Nasheeba
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Date Posted: 05:07:34 02/11/03 Tue
Author Host/IP: dhcp024-210-177-110.woh.rr.com/

As Saalamu Alaikoum,

This is the last posting we will allow from you on this issue. The reason being is because again.. you are arguing and debating with Allah..not me and this is a major sin.

Sister if you have doubts concerning Allah and what he does you need to take those doubts to the prayer rug not here to us. You are questioning what Allah says and does and are saying you have a problem with what he has done. This is a sacriledge and is not the behavior of a believer.

You have now made the statement that ONLY the Quran is in disagreement with basic issues.. what basic issues?? You have stated that all the other books are authentic and the Quran is not..these are the words of a Kaafir, not a Muslim... and I am beginning to think that perhaps you are one of those christains who pretend to be Muslim just to post sayings such as this on Islamic websites. Again.. this is the last post I will allow from you because at this website..we do not debate Islam with others and we do not allow people to say sacriledges things about Allah or his religion.

If you are not a Christain but indeed a Muslim then you need to repent to Allah imediately for your blasphemy and instead of compromising your imaan for the kaafir, you need to instead look inside yourself and ask Allah to strenghthen your Imaan. You need to stop associating with the kaafir and surround yourself around pious Muslims who can help to build your Imaan.

Again.. this is the last posting I will allow from you on this subject. I nor any of the scholars here can help you if you are suffering from weakness in Imaan or the touch of the Shaytaan.. only Allah can help you thru repentance to him and duaa.


Laila Nasheeba

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