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Subject: banners and buttons

Tina Biddle
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Date Posted: 07:02:52 01/31/02 Thu

I chose websites for different kinds of products or interests because I think different things work for different types of sites. Careful everyone – I wrote all of this before, hit send and lost it..


Hallmark’s banner is white and a pleasant shade of blue. The colors are harmonious. The buttons on the white background are blue with white print. The font is bright and easy to read. The web page itself repeats these colors. It feels harmonious and homey. The button indicating the page where you are is a slightly different color so you know where you are on the site. You can enter this site through hallmark.com but the entry page is different (Valentine’s Day).


Rockband.com is trying to reach a different audience than Hallmark’s. The banner is purple and orange (complimentary colors) with white lettering. The colors are bold. The links are an orange font on purple and are readable. The words “Rockband.com” are a focal point. They flash from black to white. This happens slowly enough not to be annoying. There is an interesting use of purple shading on the orange background.


Charles Schwab’s banner is very conservative and businesslike. It is very linear in design. It is Navy blue with white print. The buttons on the banner are a lighter shade of blue with a white font. When you hit a button and go to another page, the button changes color so you always know where you are in the website. The colors in the banner are repeated throughout the page.


This web page is designed for social studies for 3rd graders in California. I really like the banner. The black on yellow really stands out. It is simple but really catches the eye. The print is large. I like the footprints. I think it really draws you into the page. Good for an audience of 3rd graders. I like the fact that the banner is smaller on pages where there is a lot of other information that should be the focus.


I like the City of Seattle Home Page. The cityscape and logo are well done. The print, yellow with black outline, stands out and gives a 3D effect in front of a somewhat blurred background in the center. It looks like a gradient was used in the print. Very effective.


I really like the way graphics are used as buttons in this image map. The graphics, words in bold colors, different for each link, stand out in front of the different parts of a house of muted colors in the background. They seem to invite you into different parts of the house. Cute.


This is just someone’s graduation page, but I think it is a good example of button use. There are 15 buttons on the home page. The buttons are square, outlined in red. They are photographs. Each is a small part of a larger photograph that has something to do with the graduation and links to a full, larger version of the picture. The buttons make you curious about the rest of the picture.

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Re: banners and buttonsDamian10:40:59 01/31/02 Thu

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