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Subject: Re: Balance

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Date Posted: 17:10:40 02/21/02 Thu
In reply to: Kathy Keefe 's message, "Re: Balance" on 17:16:42 02/12/02 Tue

Hi Kathy,
I liked your thoughts on unity and your example site to go with it. I think that is an area I need to work on. I tend to think of the objects on the page one at a time, rather than designing as a whole first. It might actually make sense to just drawn a big shape for your page and start filling it in with smaller objects.

The amtrak site was the first site I saw in awhile that forces me to the right of the page. The center graphic definitely puts the weight of the page in the center. I tried to click there first, and when I couldn't I immediately wanted to fill in information on the right.

>The balance articles were very interesting. They
>reminded me of magazine articles and demonstrations
>regarding interior design and interior decorating.
>Several of the concepts from the articles that made an
>impression on me were the following:
>1. Good Balance provides unity- that all aspects of a
>web page, although they are created as different
>objects will all blend together as one web page. I
>believe a good example of this is the website for Visa
>Buxx: https://www.nc.visabuxx.com/ This web site has
>many objects and shapes and colors in it but you don’t
>see all of the different objects unless you really
>look. They all seem to blend together to form one web
>page with one concept- to sell you on the concept of
>providing a prepaid Visa card for your teenage
>2.Another concept from the articles that intrigued me
>was that balance can be created with mass and values
>of colors. An example of this would be Amtrak web
>page at http://www.amtrak.com/ The graphic in the
>banner is surrounded by different shades of blue and
>text. The mass of the center graphic makes the page
>appear heavier in the middle of the page and the use
>of colors on the sides give a different value to those
>3.The last and final concept, that I learned, is that
>balance can be created symmetrically, asymmetrically,
>or in a radial fashion. The website
>http://www.ftd.com/ is an example of balance being
>created symmetrically. It appears to be balanced from
>side to side. The use of the rectangular text boxes
>on each side help to balance this site as well as the
>way the flower arrangements are arranged in the middle
>of the page. At the top, the banner is balanced on
>the right side by the links on the right side of the
>page. An example of a radial balance I believe would
>be on the web page http://www.amonre.com/ The banner
>at the top of the page achieves balance with a radial
>design, which is repeated by the water droplets in the
>center of the banner. The Chestnut Hill web site is
>another example of balance achieved through a radial

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