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Subject: [:].:.[:]

Celebrate the First
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Date Posted: 23:55:59 09/01/02 Sun
In reply to: :: F&B :: :~:Lost Darkness:~: 's message, ":: Smile :: :~: Aware:~:" on 21:04:49 09/01/02 Sun

Royal blue hatchling stares blankly at the blacks about him, drawing each in his mind.
Bats at mother tounge as she licks him and growls playfully.
Golden optics flip to the dragoness bathed in red and he blinks, trying to place her among those about him.
She was definetly important, that he could tell.
Dismisses the thought as quickly as it arose and turns to bronze sibling.
Saunters over and then hunches down.
Releases the tension in his small muscles and springs forward with a cry of rebelion, a roar of his arrival to this world.
Or was it?
Wild trill is all that is heard of his ferocious roar and he blinks, confused, just as his royal blue mass slams into the bronze.
Tumbles off of her, then ramming into his mothers ebon tail.
Eyes cross momentarily and he shakes his head sharply, trying to focus his catlike orbs.
A low growl of frustarion as his legs refuse to carry him in a stright line as he teeters like a drankard, wandering back towards the unhatched one.
A silly grin grows on his face and he plops down beside the silverish egg.
Would another colorful creature erupt from this colorful orb?

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She hisses angrily at the blue....HATCHLING #118:32:15 09/02/02 Mon

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