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Date Posted: 13:33:57 04/13/02 Sat
Author: meaven
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Subject: {..joining..}>

Name: Meaven laPrirk
Rank: Daughter of Lord Holder Porfin of Sedoc (Icy hold in Northern Pern)
Age: 17. Meaven's birthday is in midwinter, the time when snow comes down the hardest on Sedoc.
Gender: Female
Family: Father, Porfin. Rank- Lord Holder. Mother, Fraen. Rank- Lady Holder. Meaven. Rank- Eldest Daughter. Sister, Olowiel. Rank- Second Daughter, age 15. Brother, Jeredrihan 'Jerry,' age 13. Rank- Brother, next Lord Holder
History: Meaven is the first child of the Lord and Lady of Sedoc. Slightly pampered by her parents and the Hold, Meaven was led to believe the world centered around her. When Olowiel was born, nicknamed 'Olly' by 2-Turn-old Meaven, the Hold was less enthused. They wanted an heir to be born. Meaven was still the center of attention. If no son was born, she would get the rulership. Olly had better looks than her older sister, but Meaven had 'a subtle aura of strength and power,' according to the Hold's Harper. Meaven's admirers still flocked to her. When Meaven was 4, Jeredrihan was born. The Hold was overjoyed, but still dismayed. The vibrant Meaven wouldn't be the Lady Holder. Even at a young age, Meaven could be found serious and determined, as well as enticing. Meaven couldn't handle her brother's name, so she changed it to Jerry. At 14, Meaven left her Hold to travel around Pern. Away from the bitter cold of Sedoc she was used to, Meaven found the heat of Pern almost unbearable. After a Turn, Meaven came home. She adored the fluffy snow, but she had an attachment to the lush tropics of the rest of her planet. Meaven continued attracting admirers and suitors, but she never chose one. "I have not found anyone yet." she would say, and flash a smile at who ever had asked. The Hold stilled their anxiousness to marry off Meaven. Finally, 3 Turns after her return, Meaven was claimed on Search to Xanta Weyr, for the Queen egg. She was orginally looked at for Minerva, but the snow-loving Meaven refused the desert Weyr. She finally consented to stand at Xanta.
Appearance: Chestnut hair that flowed a little past her shoulders. When she was an infant, her hair had a curl. Fraen refused to cut it, but eventually Meaven's hair grew out, causing the curl to become a slight wave. Meaven's eyes are the bright blue of the people of Seboc. They usually show her emotion, happy, sad, angry. All in all, Meaven looks like a normal Seboci. Olly is a different story though. Blonde and green-eyed, but Meaven adores her little sister and showers her with attention and care.
Personality: Meaven is kind to a fault, to people. She has an inate fear of fire-lizards, but as Seboc has a low population of them, Meaven never had a chance to get over it. She dearly loves her family and those around her. Meaven wished that Jerry hadn't been born, as she loved to 'tell people what to do and give them guidance,' in her words. Jerry bluntly puts it as dictatorship. Meaven learned simple healing from the Hold's healer, and found it enjoyable. The healer thought she had a natural gift with humans, while she was often claimed for help in the runner stables also. Even though she doesn't like fire lizards, Meaven can charm other animals. She doesn't seem to have a temper until someone bites at her or someone else she loves too much. She resembles her father in that way, who is infamous for his temper.

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