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Date Posted: 09:00:54 08/05/02 Mon
Author: Kya
Author Host/IP:
Subject: Forgot.... Their Bio! Please read and evaluate
In reply to: Minerva [player of Willmina & T'rus] 's message, "Greetings!" on 18:40:01 08/04/02 Sun

/Bio | History\

"Kiana! Kiana!" A little girl ran into Kiana's rooms shrilling, her blond braids bouncing up and down as the child ran
The redhead looked up from her mending, a slight frown marring her face even as a smile playing upon her full, crimson lips, made it glow. "Colleen? What is it, dear?"

The other woman, a tall, fragile blond, tried to speak, but kept in her haste, she tumbling over her words, making it impossible for Kiana to make out whatit was the poor woman said. "It's... it's.... It's... it's...."

"Colleen, calm down. Now tell me what's happening." the redhead said expectantly, smiling, for she became hyper over the smallest things and it was best to humor her. Colleen had been known for fabricating up tales. Everyone thought that she would become a story-telling bard someday. "Breathe."

The yellow-haired child bent and put her hands on her bare knees, panting. "Mikhail's... Khail's in... James..."

At this point Kiana put down her mending and walked to the slight blonde. She knew that anything to do with Mikhail and James together was completely serious and this time, the child Colleen wasn't making up children's tales. Even the child of six Turns wouldn't do that. She didn't dare.

Putting an arm around her waist, she brought the blond little girl to a nearby chair. Kneeling, she spoke again. "There, there, now. Colleen, you really must come down I can't understand you. Breathe." She waited for Colleen to cath her breathe. "Now, then. What's all this about Mikhail?"
the blond, still panting somewhat, told her what she knew in short sentences. "Khail and James... James said something about you... Khail punched him... James looks like he's trying to kill Khail!"

Kiana hadn't wait until Colleen had finishd telling her tale, for at the mention of Khail punching James... she had shot out of there faster than a mouse being chase by a cat; she was already halfway down the corridor by the time Collen said "James" the last time.

Would she be there in time? That was the thought that ran through Kiana's mind as she started down a long flight of stairs. Running as fast as she could, she reached the courtyard where she knew they'd be and struggled through the crowd.

Why did her brother like fights so much? Not that she could blame him. She loved to fight, but she didn't usually go looking for them. Where as her brother would pounce on one little slip of the toung and turn it into a duel. Which was pretty much what was happening right then, she saw when she reached the center of the circle surrounding the two men, which was growning by the second.

"Mikhail!" she yelled as both her black-haired twin and the blond opponent swung giant fists at each other. Khail ducked James', but his own fist slammed into the blond-haired man's jaw, which emitted a loud Crraack! The man stubled back as Mikhail swung again, seemingly determined to separate the man's head from his shoulders. The blow connected, again giving off another Crack! Cocky as ever, he faced the crowd, raising he arms in victory. He started to turn back to his opponent.

"Mikhail," Kiana pleaded as she grabbed her brother's arm. "Please! I know you like to fight - I do, too - but if you don't stop your going to kill him! If you do that, we'll both be exiled! You know that!"

Mikhail sneered. "He may be the Lord Holder's son, but I'm still his father's brother's only son! And he's still a B**t**d! I won't let him get away with saying what he did about you! Besides, only I'll be exiled. You did nothing."

"You that's going to stop him from exiling us both? You know as well as I do that the Lord Holder would do anything to get to our father! Besides the fact that he's hated usboth for as long as we've been alive! And even if he didn't banish me, if you go, then I go, too!"

Her black-haired twin merely jerked his arm from her grasp viciously and turned.... Just in time to see James' fist flying towards his head. Kiana screamed and leaped to protect her brother with her own body. Mikhail shouted for James to stop, and James tried to swerve.

Too late. The damage was done. Kiana crumpled to the floor in a heap, having taken the blow to her temple. Mikhail bent over her, asking if she would be alright; Their faces were the last things she saw.


That was a few years ago. the duo were exiled for nearly killing James, the Lord Holder's only son, and Kiana was blinded by James' blow, though the Healer said it might be possible for her to regain her sight. Her once vivid jaded pools have now gone glassy and nearly completely white. Kiana now depends on Mikhail to lead her around and keep her out of trouble.


Ok, tell me the truth. What did you think? Be brutal.

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