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Subject: Unplanned but Hopeful

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Date Posted: 11/16/06 3:39pm

Hi I just wanted to drop a line. I didnt plan this pregnancy. Actually its with someone who I thought was my friend for over 10 years. We had been messing around for years now and I thought I really couldnt get pregnant so I was the perfect mistress. WRONG. When my period was late I thought it was my cyst acting up again so I went to the Emergency room just to find out that I was 6 weeks pregnant. Scared I continued with the clinic for another month to see if my pregnancy was progressing. Turns out everything was fine so I decided to tell the guy. Just to find out that he didnt want anymore kids because he already had 2 with his ex- girlfriend. Because I knew I dug my hole and was burying myself in it, he said that he wanted me to have an abortion. He even gave me the money and offered to take me. What saved me was GOD. I took the money and decided against the abortion. I vowed the guy out of my life and have been looking forward since. I am now happier because I am just getting over my morning sickness. I can no longer work because of so much weight lose but after my prenatal visit today, I know it was all worth it. My baby was jumping around and kicking and closing her hands. Its a miracle in the making. I know I made the right decision no matter if I cant work, I am living at home and Ive lost over 20 pounds. My baby is healthy and happy because she knows nothing else but the gift of life that I have given her. I am not saying abortion is right or wrong because in the end I can point no finger without 4 more pointing back at me. I just know that Im grateful I made my decision to choose life. Its so beautiful. At the end of the day, it was worth it. Not to mention my family whom I thought would of disowned me has been the best thing in my life. U never know until you've explored all the possibilities. It was unplanned but Im hopeful.

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[> Subject: Re: Unplanned but Hopeful

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Date Posted: 11/17/06 2:30pm

Hello and welcome! So glad you found us! I have to tell you I am SO proud of women like you! You are defending this beautiful life and I promise you when you hole this little one in your arms for the first time, you will truly realize this was all worth it! SO many women make the horrible choice of abortion because they either feel pushed into it and only realize all too late what they have done. I commend you for taking a stand and defending your child! Some day that little angel is going to look you in the eyes and thank you! Please continue to come back and keep us posted! If you are in need of anything please let us know! There are many resources out there for single moms! We look forward to hearing from you and CONGRATS!!!
God bless,

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[> [> Subject: Re: Unplanned but Hopeful

michaela (confused, desperate)
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Date Posted: 12/17/06 4:31am

iam a recent divorcee after 20 years of marriage, had my own business with my ex, after a messy and difficult divorce, bankruptcy etc I was left with 3 children and little money, for the first time in my life i turned to alcohol, suffered a breakdown, have no family or support, I managed to obtain a mortgage all be it excessive, have been offered numerous jobs as manager but my confidence has taken a battering, i now work as a cleaner, have had a relationaship with a lovely guy but its not for me, I have just one week ago discovered I am pregnant, 12 years after my last child was born, if i go ahead i will lose my home.....every sensible bone in my body tells me to terminate...i just dont want to...can somebody please help me.

totally confused...michaela

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Unplanned but Hopeful

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Date Posted: 12/17/06 6:09am

Hi, Michaela,

First of all, if you don't want to have an abortion, don't have one! You have a right to refuse abortion.

There are agencies that will help you with your problems. To find one near you, go here:

Pregnancy Centers.

They also offer online counseling. These agencies are there to help you with the problems you face. You don't have to lose your home. Try not to look at the worst case, even though it's tempting. You are in a panic right now, and people don't make good decisions when they are in panic mode. It is critically important that you follow your heart and make a decision you can live with. All of the difficulties you face now will seem like nothing if you go against your own conscience.

Your baby is depending on you for your protection. Please protect your baby.

If you give us some more concrete details about the specifics of your problems, we may be able to come up with some suggestions.

Please keep in touch. We will be here for you. Come when you have questions, problems, or just need to vent, or to talk to someone.


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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Unplanned but Hopeful

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Date Posted: 12/18/06 5:48am

Hi Michaela,

I would love to give you the encouragement that you need. First of all, if others feel you are capable of doing a job, you probably are.

If you don't want to have an abortion, you really don't have to. It's not necessarily easy to do what you feel you want to do, but going against what you desire in your heart of hearts on this isn't going to be really easy, either. There are no guarantees in life whether it is your house or not, and that is true whether or not you have a baby now. You could have an abortion and still lose the house. You could have the baby and still keep it. WE don't have a crystal ball. IT's really easy to freak out and feel that there are no other options, but that is rarely the case.

You don't say what makes you feel that you would lose the home if you have your baby, but I have my doubts that it's a given. You still have time to plan and figure things out. I think that's why we have 9 month pregnancies -- so we have time to work out the details.

If you want help and support, you might also check into an organization called, "The Nurturing Network". They are geared specifically towards helping college and career women to be able to carry their babies to term if that is what they want. The number is 1-800-TNN-4MOM. The e-mail address is: tnn@nurturingnetwork.org
They have a website here:

If there is anything I can do to help, just let me know.


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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Unplanned but Hopeful

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Date Posted: 12/18/06 7:47am


First, take a deep breath. I know everything seems like it absolutely must be decided right now. But, the truth is, you have time to reflect and think things through. Don't feel rushed.

Let's look at your options:

1) You could have the baby and keep the baby. This would possibly (but not necessarily) mean losing your home. Or, it might mean scaling down from the mortgage you have to a more modest home and mortgage (so, not quite the same thing as losing your home - if the mortgage IS an excessive and difficult to manage one, this might actually be a blessing in disguise.) I had my last child when I was 40. He was unplanned, but he is the most incredible joy. I can't imagine my world without him in it. Things that seem impossible at the moment (having a child at 40 when I had a wonderful job and was finally had all of my children in school) actually settle in and settle down. It's amazing how we can blow things out of proportion when we're imagining the "worst-case" scenario! My little Andrew is now in Kindergarten (my OLDEST son just turned 27 this year!) My job is fine (that's why God invented day-care ;-) and my life is SO much richer for having him in it.

2) You could have your baby and place your baby with an adoptive family. I know that sounds kind of weird if you already have children (because your children will see you pregnant and question why you aren't choosing to keep their brother or sister), but it is an option, albeit a more challenging one.

3) You could have an abortion. While this might sound like it would solve all your problems, the truth is, it comes with its OWN set of problems...and it's irreversible. I've never known a woman to regret NOT having an abortion, but I've known of LOTS of women regret HAVING an abortion. You can end a pregnancy, but you can never erase it. You will always have been pregnant, and your heart and soul will know that. I worry, too, that since you sound like you don't really WANT to have an abortion, that you are at prime risk for regretting it later. (Studies show that women who feel they HAD to have an abortion - either because of job, finances, boyfriend's or husband's or parents' wishes, etc. have a MUCH greater chance of suffering the negative emotional aftereffects of abortion. It's as if they are going against the very fundamental drive within them to protect their own child - and they're doing it for someone else.) Also, your child has no one but you to protect him or her. Right now he or she is completely depending upon your love and nurturing...and it sounds like you are already feeling that connection - that bond...

I will pray that you feel strong and able to carry this pregnancy. It won't be easy, but neither will the emotional aftereffects of an abortion. And, if you carry the pregnancy to term, at least you have a beautiful little baby at the end of the road! So, any pain or hardship seems to pale in comparison!

God bless you, Michaela.

E-mail me if you want to talk. My e-mail is gray at augie.edu.


P.S. Be sure to visit the post-abortive sites for women who are seeking healing from abortion. They give you a clear idea of what you can avoid when you are still at the decision-making stage. It's heartbreaking to hear from women who want nothing more than return to the time PRIOR to making their decision and choosing instead to give their child life... I have some links at this site that might be helpful: http://student.augie.edu/~lifealliance/lifelinks.html

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Unplanned but Hopeful

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Date Posted: 12/18/06 12:51pm

Hello! Welcome to our board! My thoughts echo the ladies that have already written to you. You can do this! You are just scared and unsure! Right now you have a million thoughts running through your head all at once, I'm sure, but it's most important to just stop and think! I know you probably wish you weren't in this situation..you probably wish you could just shut off all your emotions towards this dilemma, but you can't! Your heart and soul are crying out to you to think and if you stop just long enough to truly weigh everything out, you will be able to truly come to terms with the idea of this beautiful blessing! Michaela, we want to help in any way we can. You have found a wonderful, supportive site that will help guide, lead, and direct you in any way we can. If you need counseling or financial support, we can direct you to a local pregnancy center in your area. Just let us know your needs. I have 4 wonderful blessings and I have to tell you, I was just sitting with my fourth child, Landon, the other day, just staring at his beautiful little face as he was smiling at me and babbling, and I just thought, "Thank you God for this amazing little boy...he has completed this amazing journey and I just thank you!" I know you think this is a huge mistake...but know that God doesn't make mistakes! This may may put a bump in the road, but when you look back on this years from now, will it really be a big deal? Lastly, what would your children want? This child is part of them as well.
Michaela, the choice is yours. We do promise to help you in any way we can. Please continue to come back and keep us posted! We are here for you!
God bless,

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[> Subject: Re: Unplanned but Hopeful

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Date Posted: 11/17/06 9:04pm

Hi, Mimi,

I am very glad you came. Your message is wonderful!

Let us know if you will be needing any kind of help so that you can manage your life's situation. You also have warned us that a woman can think she cannot get pregnant, and have a sexual encounter and be surprised by pregnancy. This is such an important message, and I am very glad you told us. Thank you.

Now that you are doing better, please eat healthy, with plenty of protein, to gain back your weight and safeguard your baby's health. Please consult your doctor about this, and ask for referral to a nutritionist.

We don't believe in pointing fingers, either, but a good testimony is always worthwhile. Thank you for sharing yours.

Some day, your child will thank you for protecting her and welcoming her.


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[> Subject: Re: Unplanned but Hopeful

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Date Posted: 11/18/06 5:45am

Hi Mimi,

It's good to hear that your family is there for you. Now that the morning sickness is improving the weight issue may resolve as well. I know with my second one I lost 8 lbs. but gained it back plus a couple within a month of getting through the nausea.

Aren't ultrasounds great? I hope you were able to get a pic.

When are you due now?

I pretty much agree with Tracey. If you need anything, let us know and we will all do what we can to help.


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[> Subject: Re: Unplanned but Hopeful

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Date Posted: 11/18/06 10:38pm

Hello and welcome to the board!

Congratulations on your pregnancy and on keeping your baby! I know you will see it is the right choice. Actually, I think you have already seen the light! I had my unplanned bundle when I was 35 years old. She will be three years old next month and continues to be the best Christmas presant I have ever received! She is my olnly child. It has been difficult, but we make it.

In regards to the weight, I would not worry about it. I lost weight initially too. A lot actually, I was sick with the morning sickness. You will find as you go along and get into the second trimester, you will feel really good and HUNGRY! I ended up a really healty weight for the baby and for me. Most women do lose weight in the beginning.

As for the father, I would wait it out and not worry about him right now. We as the mother carry and feel the baby and they can not understand that. He might come around, but even if he does not you can do this and he should know that you are firm in your descision.

Good luck and keep us posted!


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[> Subject: Re: Unplanned but Hopeful

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Date Posted: 11/21/06 8:50am

I kept a few saltine crackers next to my bed. When I'd wake in the morning, even before getting out of bed (had to be careful for crumbs;-) I'd eat a couple of them. That helped a bit. Also, don't take your prenatal vitamins on a empty stomach - that can really make you nauseous (even withOUT morning sickness interfering ;-)


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[> Subject: Re: Unplanned but Hopeful

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Date Posted: 11/21/06 10:54am

congrats!!! i really hope everything's going well for you and continues to go well. i was in that situation at the beginning of my pregnancy. when i told my boyfriend, he tried to convince me to get an abortion. today, my daughter is two weeks old, and her dad loves her more than anything in the world. so, stay strong, and we're always here for you...

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