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Date Posted: 07:34:59 02/10/17 Fri
Author: c
Subject: Spiritual Notebook 7

Spiritual Notebook 7

These statements should be written in a 180 page spiral notebook (leave a blank line between statements – write on both sides of a page). This should leave many more pages free for more statements to be written in that notebook as you continue reading, learning, and developing as you go through life.

Having a notebook with vital statements and important Scriptures written in it can give you an effective way to keep your mind refreshed and occupied as you look at it repeatedly throughout the day.


In the hard times, people see that a saint's faith is substantial

When a saint persists in prayer, eventually a saint will find that life becomes richer than he or she can imagine.


What would I like to become?

What quality - if developed - would make me a better son, citizen, brother?

Determine areas that need specific goals and go to work.

Establish where you want to be in 6 months or a year.

The nature of the fruit of the Spirit is that it is discovered.
- a surprising development that overtakes a christian
- not forced

As our understanding of the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ's character grows, we will have a better idea how to pray God's will.


A believer continually makes decisions to be crucified to wrongdoing.
- taking up the cross

We grow in faith by pursuing Jesus.
- not about effort in a certain way
- sincerity over straining
- depth over superficial

When we entreat Jesus, we must be prepared to obey Him without resistance or pretense.

Jesus prunes us so we can bear better fruit.
- accept God's pruning with the proper attitude.

Those who live by the Word develop spiritual discernment.

Each small step of obedience solidifies our confidence in God.

Pray to know your heart's hidden intentions.


Whenever the Holy Spirit reveals a deeper truth, we will have additional alterations to make.

Be willing to make the necessary adjustments to hear from the Holy Spirit.

If you believe that God might be leading you in a certain direction, take time to earnestly seek His mind on the matter, and open your heart to listen to Him.

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you refocus your attention. Think about what life can be like when Jesus is at the center.

As painful as your consequences for unwise choices may be, thank God for caring enough to send out His loving discipline.
- the scar of sin can lead to restoration and a renewed intimacy.

Invite Jesus to examine your desires and intentions.
- be ready to make changes.


The Heavenly Father wants His children to conquer and, more often than not, will orchestrate a victory that's surprising - assuming we don't walk away too early.

Vulnerability, integrity, and honesty are needed for true discipleship.

Preferring others:
- avoiding nasty clashes about different doctrines and ideas
- avoiding bad attitudes towards non-christians.

Find a shred of common ground to capitalize on.

If being right took a back seat, would it change the way you communicated?

Preferring one another is the first step toward healing and mending, connecting and loving - building up.


When your walking in the Heavenly Father's pathway and following His guide, you're going to be excited, you're going to have goals, you're going to have divine energy.

You can expect to encounter Jesus in your day - expect opportunities
- interruptions
- promptings

Remain attentive to divinely ordered moments.

A detour may actually be a redirection of our path by the Heavenly Father.

The Heavenly Father and Jesus are pleased when we truly desire to know Them better.

Living in God's calling isn't always easy, but it is always worth the risk. Each step will reveal the faithfulness of our Lord, encouraging us to trust Him in the next opportunity He provides.


As our faith grows, His perfect timing will become evident, and we'll look with joy and expectation for what awaits us.

I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me because I know Whom I've believed and am fully persuaded that He will take me through every step of the way.

The point of practicing spiritual disciplines is not to strive for something we don't yet have but rather to enjoy what we've already been given.
- the "work" is really positioning ourselves so the Heavenly Father takes control
- "the path of disciplined grace"

Living out the principle of trust and endurance helps us see the connection and grasp how it works.


Divinely sent frustration is meant to get our attention.

The more we strengthen our spiritual "muscles," the more the process becomes part of who we are.

Prayer transforms a believer's heart.

We have influence.
- someone is looking and learning from our life.

Our lives require a wise rhythm or speech and silence, working and waiting, pushing forward and letting go, acting for God and surrendering to God.
- this rhythm creates space for prayer.

Find hope in small patches of glory - development mystery unpredictable, surprising.


We only have a fragment - life's mishaps and horrors are only a page out of a grand book. We must be slow about drawing conclusions. We must reserve judgment on life's storms until we know the whole story.
- Jesus is the author of our story.

Prioritize and allot a reasonable amount of time to each activity.

The curious person says there is an answer. There is a better way. We just need more understanding.

Start seeing yourself and the world around you with a sense of enjoyment.

Refuse to take yourself too seriously. Look for the humor hidden in life's serious moments and you'll find it.

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