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Date Posted: 20:29:55 11/14/03 Fri
Author: Lhall
Subject: Blech. It's *green*.
In reply to: Xiaelrohjanyeux 's message, "Water. Whee!" on 22:47:42 11/09/03 Sun

Lhall takes a closer look at the water and almost loses his thirst at the revolting sight of emerald liquid. However, there was a dry itch in the back of his throat, and his body needs fresh water. Rather reluctantly, though he figures it's safe if Xi hasn't keeled over yet, the Sela lowers his sculpted muzzle and laps up a few shallow mouthfuls. He swallows the cool liquid, finding its taste less repulsive than its looks, and drinks his fill. When he finishes, he raises his head and takes one more look around.


There is a smell of burning metal in the air, and of blood. Selan blood. The Scholar lowers his snout to lightly nudge Xi on an uninjured shoulder, then nods emphatically in the direction of the twin scents. Lhall isn't about to leave the young Zrruvan, but nor is he going to pass up the chance to find one of his own.

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