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Date Posted: 22:47:42 11/09/03 Sun
Author: Xiaelrohjanyeux
Subject: Water. Whee!
In reply to: Lhall 's message, "Kin...?!" on 14:25:49 10/25/03 Sat

The youth raises hes head to give a very long, grateful look at hes Selan hero. Ear-sails raised hse takes a long look left, and then right, before lowering hes head towards the water. Hse pauses a moment, sniffing the oddly hued stream carefully. On Keshal the water had always been a rich teal, or violet if salty... But green... Ah well. Water was water. Even if it did smell... rather interesting.
Dipping hes muzzle ever so slightly into the depths, Xi drinks quietly, taking a few cautious small sips and then stepping back for just a second... half expecting some horrible chain-reaction or allergy to befall hem. But... nothing happens. And leaning forward onto hes un-injured middle legs, Xi curves hes torso downwards, carefully holding hes broken arm, and drinks fully. After a few moments hse draws back, wiping away the dripping green liquid from hes muzzle carefully and nodding to the Sela with a grin. It was his turn.

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