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Date Posted: 07:23:59 03/23/02 Sat
Author: Avidail
Subject: Re: ~Sliding In~
In reply to: Jiania 's message, "Re: ~Sliding In~" on 07:05:51 03/23/02 Sat

Avidail blinked as she saw a girl in the kitchens with a bronze flit. Was that flit hers? Don't be silly. You have your name on yours. Now in... out... Lake, stone. Avidail breathed in, her training from home coming easily. "I'll be right back, m'lady." Avidail said softly. She turned on her heel and walked quickly to the kitchens. Avidail breathed normally again as she saw her two eggs. She asllowed herself a grin as she saw the difference in size between her two eggs. Will you ever hatch? For me? Avidail's forehead wrinkled as she wanted the love of the flits. Her family had been distant, as she was taught to be. No emotion, no flaws. And they were right. Avidail could count on one hand the times she had fought with anyone. But the queen egg.. she had heard the rumors about the egg. And the rumors about Brynn. Avidail's eyes lightened slightly. Don't. her training commanded. No anger. Avidail calmed herself again. She rested her hand on her eggs, the palm cool and dry. The palm was callused and her fingertips had lost some of their sensitive feelings. But the cracks in the smaller eggs were felt mentally. Avidail kept her head up, masking tears of joy as a small green cheeped up at her cheerily. "Lua?" Avidail asked, the smallest quiver in her voice. The green nodded. "Come with me." Avidail ordered, lowering her arm so the green could climb up. "First thing after feeding, we're clipping your nails. There's no reason for you to damage my arm muscles." Lua cheeped again, happy for the mention of 'food.' Avidail took out strips of wherry from convient pockets and chopped them up from the knife concealed in her boot. Lua walked down Avidail's arm, placing her claws in the same places. Avidail merely maintained her gaze. "You'll be fun to live with, Lua." Avidail said simply, picking up small pieces to drop into Lua's mouth. Lua grinned slightly before consenting to the treats.

Lua was finally full, and Avidail strode back into the dining hall. "I'm sorry, m'lady. You are Auriga?" Avidail said quietly, Lua cradled in her arms. The green chirped softly, a nonsense tune. When I'm done here, Lua, I'll draw you. I'll find my own barrack. I will be alone. Just you and me, and our other flit friend. We'll be fine. Avidail felt a pang of longing for R'geto. And maybe R'geto, if he comes. Lua chirped. R'geto? she asked sleepily, not expecting Avidail to understand. "An old friend." Avidail said quietly, waiting for Auriga's answer.

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