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Date Posted: 06:22:24 03/23/02 Sat
Author: Willmina
Subject: Early morning

Sleep had been elusive but there had been a few hours before the final twinges came. Then, there were no more.
The whole Clutch was on the sands and Willmina couldn't have been more relieved. It had been the longest laying yet for her Queen.

She arrived in the kitchen, pleased with the orderliness she saw and looked to the baskets of sand with flit eggs.
She saw two new ones with strips of fabric.
New Candidate.
None had hatched and they all seemed well. She turned them before stoking the fire again.
Her hands began to put smaller pieces of wood onto the turned-down coals and waited for the fire to start.
After some smolder, the flames caught and began to warm the slightly chilly kitchen and renew the warmth to the flit egg sands.
Funny, there should be one of them watching the baskets.
She shook her head and measured out some klah to brew and a soup pot of water to heat before turning to what she came down here for.

The cold cellars held a lot of wherry and herdbeast still.
Trying to gauge her queen's hunger when she woke up, Willmina hauled out half a wherry and a huge chunk of herdbeast to the counters in the kitchen.
Once there, a large bowl came out and the Weyrwoman went to work. Already she had had a basin with towels, a pot of oil, and soon this chunked-up snack for her queen. It was the way she had always done for Shetanth at all the other Clutches. Especially given the effort of strength that all the Layings asked of her queen's strength.

When the meats were finally done, Willmina washed down everything with the soapsand and hot water until no trace of meat or blood remained on the counter or utensils she used.
Taking the brewed klah from the heat, she put it on the warming trivet before taking the bowl of meat with her.
Next stop was the Hatching Grounds.

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