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Date Posted: 12:13:34 03/24/02 Sun
Author: Brynn
Subject: Blinks
In reply to: Dajan 's message, "Re: Smiles" on 12:03:31 03/24/02 Sun

As Dajan dissapears back out into the crowd, she turns to Nien who has returned to her shoulder. "Well, I do believe he's quicker then I am in the kitchen," she says with a light laugh. Nien nods in agreement, then chirps while gesturing to the eggs. "Right, right, less talk, more cooking, thank you Nien," she says, selecting a large pan off the wall and setting it over the hearth to warm. She cracks a few of the eggs over it and leaves those to cook before getting another pan for the sausage. She lights the small hearth, then puts the pan overtop with a few long strings of sausage.

On the large hearth, she slides Dajan's fruit rolls, then begins to clean up. She was glad that making breakfast was no where near as messy as making supper as she quickly washes the bowl Dajan used to make the dough in a stone sink, dries it, and puts it back in its respective cupboard. She gives the cutting board a good rinse, then hangs it back up to dry. The thin wherry-hide packaging that the sausage was in gets tossed out in the garbage, while the remaining eggs are put back in the store room along with the uncut fruit.

She deftly washes the knife, then sets it back on the table for her to slice the sausage with when it's done. Nien, in turn, sits by the sink, facinated by the sweetsoap bubbles produced. She laughs and splashes him with some foam, causing him to jump back in surprise then amuse himself by popping the bubbles on his stomach.

She gives the counter top a good wiping, then sets out a few platters for the eggs, sausage, and a basket for the rolls. Smelling the sweet scent of the cooked rolls, she pulls them out of the big hearth and plucks them off the tray and into the basket. She checks on the eggs as well as the sausage, and decides they both need a good five more minutes or so. She takes that free time to get out some dishes and utensils as well as refresh the klah supply.

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