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Date Posted: 05:51:00 03/29/02 Fri
Author: Willmina & W'menel
Subject: Dinner

"Where's N'gal?"

Willmina hadn't seen the bluerider since earlier today. Her question to W'menel had some concern about it. She didn't want the man and dragon to dwell on any perceived anger towards R'geto.

"He told me he was going to the Impression Beach for a flit and that he'd be back in time for the dinner."
W'menel told her what the man had honestly said. It was all N'gal had said.

Willmina sighed as W'menel put the wherry-hide pouch into her hands.

"May I look at them?"
She asked and got a shrug from her Weyrleader that said 'Go on. I don't care.'

The cords had the old black and tan of Frontiers colors.
Willmina hadn't yet formally submitted her choice of Weyr colors to the rest of the Weyrs on PERN and the old standard of colors had long since been discarded. The days of the old dragonriders were not, nor could be, the present day on PERN. Their Weyr colors did not reflect the changes that brought PERN to where it was now. A planet whose population was still recovering from the "Great Disappearance" hundreds of Turns ago, both human and dragon-wise.

"Black and tan," she muttered. Plain colors but apt for a desert Weyr. She kept note of them as she put them back into the pouch. "I hope he doesn't think we're jumping the egg on this."

"Hierarchy needs to be established. Very soon we are going to have a whole Weyr of fledglings to train."

"No word on a Weyrlingmaster?"

"Not yet." W'menel said, with some bitterness. "Not enough to accomodate another Weyr. Telgar is being a hoarder with their three and Herra hasn't even returned our scroll about it. I don't think Xanta or Kinia are faring much better than we are."

"Bastards!" Willmina paused and looked to W'menel. "We might best sit and wait for this to start. First, though I'm going to get some klah. You want a cup?"


Willmina smiled and went to the kitchens for them.

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