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Date Posted: 10:34:35 03/23/02 Sat
Author: Brynn
Subject: Yawning...

Arriving rather late by her standards into the kitchen, she sees that the hearth fire is already lit and almost everyone in the Weyr was in for breakfast. The smell of hot klah hit her nose, telling her that that too had been taken care of. She noticed, also, a new face among the Candidates and went over to say hello before she searched for the Weyrwoman to ask if anything else needed to be done for breakfast; perhaps some cereal or sliced fruit.

The solid attitude of the young woman before her was detectable at once, and Brynn knew immediatly that she would be more likely then anyone she'd met so far to Impress the Queen, spare Varda. They both had a Junior Werywoman flair to them, and Brynn smiled a little sadly to herself. For a short while there, she was allowing the remarks about her perhaps Impressing the Queen to get to her heart and spring up wild hopes. But no more. There were two more likely Candidates now, she thought, scratching the sleepy Nien behind his eye ridges. And what was so bad about Impressing a green? Any dragon would be a glorious life-companion, and Brynn decided she should count herself sharding lucky if she Impressed at all.

Giving a light sigh, she turned from the new woman, seeing her attempting conversation with Auriga, and sought out the Weyrwoman. Upon finding her in conversation with another rider, she stands by and waits quietly for her to finish before inquiring about breakfast.

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