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Date Posted: 11:33:22 03/31/02 Sun
Author: Brynn & Kessinth
Subject: A bit shy...
In reply to: L'ron + Hearth 's message, "Re: Smiles" on 11:03:29 03/31/02 Sun

She nods in agreement, caressing her now full dragon around her eyes, revelling in the soft feel of the velveting skin there. "I was quite surprised that she chose me...I just had a certain feeling that Avidail would get the gold...not quite sure why, but it was set in my mind..." she smiles a bit shyly and shrugs her shoulders.

Kessinth looks up at her, eyes whirling in sapphire hues. What, you'd rather she have me then you? the gold teases. No of course not Kess! I couldn't wish for anything more wonderful then to be your lifemate! she replies back mentally. Kessinth rumbles in agreement, settling her head into the crook between Brynn's folded legs. Nien reappears from the kitchen, contently stuffed. He lands on Brynn's shoulder, then tumbles down into her lap, landing on the gold's head and receiving a dissaproving grumble from her. Her chirps and waddles back up to Brynn's shoulder while she hides a grin.

She turns back to L'ron and his bronze, smiling. "You're mighty lucky to have Impressed a bronze too, y'know. It's too bad that the other one went to the Candidates from Telger." She sighs lightly, suddenly wondering how Dajan did on the grounds...

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