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Date Posted: 19:12:30 08/31/02 Sat
Author: .celes and kier.
Subject: .double take.
In reply to: Kieran 's message, "<font size="2"><font color="#191970">Enterin' with a smile</font></font>" on 19:01:47 08/31/02 Sat

"Oh, Faranth..." Celes moaned as the boy came over. She had a funny feeling in the pit of her stomach. Hopefully Jelonna would only think her shy.. hopefully.

"Kieran??" Celes spluttered as the boy introduced himself. Kier chirped from her shoulder, informing Celes that he thought Kieran was quite an acceptable name. "You!!" Celes latched onto Kier. She could not lash at the boy. He was a stranger. Kier, well, Kier was her fire lizard. Her fire lizard that acted like an older brother. "You be quiet." Celes ordered the fire lizard. Kier chirped innocently and looked towards Kieran. Couldn't he see how mistreated he was? Kier whistled, much like someone who had linked their hands behind their back and was rocking back and forth on their heels. Celes took a deep breath, still scowling towards the blue.
"I am Celes, also a Candidate." The boy, Kieran, he had said he was a Candidate, right? Kier chirped. "You shut up." Celes told Kier as sternly as she could muster. It wasn't very sternly. Kier chirped happily, but stopped mid-chirp as Celes glared at him. Kier looked almost plaintively at Kieran. "This is Kier." Celes nearly growled, "Who is not acting very well this morning." Kier started to protest, but he sensed that Celes wouldn't want him too. Instead, showing wisdom that not many blues possessed, he fluttered to the tray and snapped up some meat. Kier became very involved in the different slices of wherry and became intent on biting each one. Celes fixed her gaze on him, not knowing exactly how to greet Kieran. For Faranth's sake his name was her fire lizard's! She had never been taught how to deal with this! An annoying voice in the back of her head spoke up.
Buck up, Celes. Celes frowned mentally. Celeste. No, Celes! the voice insisted. You aren't a Lady right now. You can think for yourself. Right? Or are you an empty-headed Lady only good for charming males? Celes snapped at that. She could do this. She was intelligent, by Faranth!
"Do you have any fire lizards?" she asked, hoping her voice didn't sound too falsly bright. "Bao and Ghanos aren't here at the moment. Kier makes up for both of them, though." she muttered, the second statement almost muttered under her breath.

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