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Date Posted: 13:47:11 03/21/02 Thu
Author: Dajan
Subject: Re: Finishing up...
In reply to: Brynn 's message, "Finishing up..." on 13:36:19 03/21/02 Thu

Dajan grinned slightly. "Cleaning? But that's the fun part." he said, eyes dancing. "You didn't learn from my caravan, that's for sure. They made everything fun." Turning around absently, Dajan fingered some leftover roll dough. Gathering up the sugar Brynn had used, and honey, Dajan moved over to an empty part of the kitchen. Hunched over his work, Dajan rolled out the dough to the shapes of eggs. Some were the small roundness of flitters, some large enough for a doughy hatchling. Dajan drizzled a mixture of honey and sugar over each egg. Carefully laying the cookie-rolls onto a tray, Dajan flipped them over, one at a time, and placed a 'Z' on them. Dajan grinned, and quickly made a miniture dragon. He looked around for more dough to make another, but he had none left. Thinking quickly, Dajan took the honey and slathered the cookie. The dough soaked up the honey, turning it a rich gold. Dajan placed it slightly to the side of the other shapes, and handed the tray to Brynn. "You can cook them with everything else. They'll be fine. But not longer than a few minutes. They'll burn." Dajan slipped his tray on top of Brynn's, balancing it easily. "I'll ask Auriga. She's only making klah and getting in the way, it looks like from here." Dajan said dryly, walking out to find the girl.

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