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Date Posted: 11:41:31 03/22/02 Fri
Author: Willmina
Subject: Announcement [Everybody read]

She watched to make sure all of the Candidates were out of the kitchen.
Finally, with a look to both N'gal and W'menel, she rose and tapped her goblet so that the chattering would die down a little. A feeling twinged through her again but she ignored it as all the eyes came to rest on her.

"I have two things before we start our meal tonight.
First, I'd like all of you to welcome our newest arrival."
She looked to N'gal then to the rest. "N'gal and his blue Adirath come from Herra Weyr but now I'd like all of you to regard him as one of Minerva Weyr's riders.
"Second, by tomorrow morning there will be a Clutch of dragon eggs on our Hatching Sands."
Willmina's eyes focused on more than a few faces at the tables.
"Since there will be a Clutch there, I forbid any Candidate to go there without my express permission. If you wish to view the nest, there are some rooms on the upper tiers of the Riders Weyrs that are open so you can view it. ANY Candidate found on the Sands without my permission can consider themselves removed from Candidacy for the Hatching. I'm being strict since my queen has quite a temper when she has a brood and I don't want there to be any trouble, whether for her or yourselves. I will make sure that all of you have a chance to see the Clutch the closer we move to Hatching but for now that area is off-limits.
"I know we have a wonderful meal here tonight so let us commence to partaking of it. Thank you."

Willmina sat down and hoped too many of the Candidates's bubbles weren't burst by her announcement. If they were, so it was.

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