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Date Posted: 10:23:13 04/16/02 Tue
Author: Jay Dee
Subject: Re: Thinking indirectly about Romans 8:2
In reply to: Richard 's message, "Thinking indirectly about Romans 8:2" on 18:21:14 04/15/02 Mon

Romans is a fascinating book. There are parts of it that speak to Christians that obviously had a Jewish background, but then parts of it are directed at those with a gentile background. This is something to keep in mind while reading it.

"What I keep running into when I discuss this with folks in the church of Christ is this--All of us--every single human being is under the "law of Christ" and if you teach anything else, why that is just heresy--The Spiritual Sword makes such a statement--if you are acquainted with such a work."

What is the "law of Christ?" In Pauline thought, would this be considered an oxymoron? According to Romans 8, we have been set from the law of sin and death. Romans 7 seems to represent a perspective of one under law and the frustrations that come from it. Under law, you have the "I know what I want to do, but I do the opposite which is the thing that I hate." However. chapter eight seems to represent life under the spirit which says "I am daily putting to death the deeds of the flesh." It is a process, it happens daily. This means we fall short. Oh no! What now? We are not under law. According to the beginning of Romans 7, we were joined to Christ. The SPirit intercedes for us, but so does Jesus. That is grace. The conclusion of chapter 8 says that nothing can separate us from the love of God because Jesus died for us, that is grace.

This is why Paul says earlier in his letter that we are justified by grace as a gift through Jesus (Rom 3:24; 4:16; 5:20-6:1).

"Ok--how do I as a Gentile fit into this? I am not a Jew was never born a jew and thus was never ever under that particular law. Thus I could not escape that law by marrying Christ."

I think Romans answers this question to. Gentiles were not condemened on the basis of God's supernaturally revealed law, but on the basis of his "naturally" revealed law. According to Romans 1:18-23 speaks of the Gentiles being able to know God's "invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature" through God's creation. Without a Bible, men can understand God's justice, mercy, and righteousness. God seems to hold people responsible to honor him as God through this "natural" revlation through nature. Paul talks a little more about this "natural" revelation in Rom 2:11-16. Whatever "revelation" a person receives, whether it be "natural" revelation or God's revelation through his word, God holds people responsbile for whatever revelatioin they have received. So yes, where there is no law, sin is not imputed, but according to Romans 2, those who do not have the law become a law to themselves because it is written on their hearts. They are judged on the basis of "natural" law.

However, for the Christian, "the law of the Spirit of life in Christ has set you free from the law of Sin and death (Rom 8:2). By that we daily put to death the deeds of the flesh (8:13). And the end result is that we overwhelmingly conquer through him (8:37).

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