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Date Posted: 10:10:01 06/11/02 Tue
Author: David
Subject: Re: The Holy Spirit
In reply to: Doug 's message, "Re: The Holy Spirit" on 16:57:34 06/10/02 Mon

SO, you are saying that when we pray, and it "appears" to be answered in a way that clearly goes beyond the laws of nature, it is not God? Oh man! Is that not what people were guilty of when Jesus performed something miraculous? They couldn't explain it, but it surely could not have been from God! But, it was clearly beyond the laws of nature, so where else would it come from? According to you, it would not be God because that would make him a respector of persons!

Context? Take a look at the context for God not being a respector of persons. Concerning salvation, God is not a respector of persons. Otherwise, how do you explain the fact that Jesus generally did not concern himself with gentiles. He almost did not heal a gentile woman, yet after her persistence she did? Why did God deliver some people from suffering, yet not Job? God i9s not a respector of persons? You had better look at the context (of the whole Bible) and figure out what that means

I suppose it is a fluke when we get our prayers answered in a miraculous way. When someone asks, "Did God do it?" We should say, maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Not! I don't believe in an impotent God. God is sovereign and active. Most in our country cannot handle the spiritual, the supernatural, or anything we cannot "prove." Then you have those people who dismiss the supernatural, yet somehow affirm that miracles took place in the Bible! It is a good thing Jesus didn't wait until today to appear, because people would not believe his miracles!

I suppose compassion had nothing to do with his healings? Why did Jesus most often perform miracles of healing? Sure there were more sectacular things he could have done, but he rarely did those. No, part of it was the fact that Jesus cared for people, for their sickness, for their bondage. He had compassion on them. To say it was ONLY to prove who he was misses an inseparable important part of his character.

I suppose all the other passages on the Holy Spirit in the Bible are also applicable only to the Apostles? The Spirit intercedes for us? That is not a comfort but for just the apostles I suppose. The spirit strengthens us, but that sounds supernatural, so I suppose that is only for the Apostles. The Spirit is our seal to protect us, but that also sounds like something supernatural, so that must also be just for the apostles. I suppose he doesn't help us or comfort us in any way. He only does that for the Apostles. Oh no! If he only does that for the apostles, then God is a respector of persons. Therefore, the Holy SPirit either does nothing for no one, or comforts and helps all Christians.

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