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Subject: * we will not repent

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Date Posted: 15:07:28 01/17/03 Fri
In reply to: Blaise 's message, ". . in the black . ." on 20:48:36 01/16/03 Thu

her eyes raced over his form, taking careful notes on him. while she was a bit smaller, she cursed only her female body for that fact. she was svelte and lithe, as panthers were. she was a proven warrioress, and yet her strength and power was compacted, hidden beneath an utterly feminine frame. if she so desired she could play quite wonderfully the part of the smoldering temptress, but no, that was not her persona at all. she was more one to be subtly coy then to go for outright flirting. she was like the sexy brunette at the party, the one everyone had to keep glancing at. she was the one who sat alone on the couch, champagne in hand, shy glances casted towards the boys, all of whom were too intimidated to ever talk to someone so pretty. she did not doubt that she'd find no reason to battle with him, but she also did not doubt that if it came down to it, she would have no trouble conquering him. while she kept that thought to herself, the smirk that danced across her visionary pools would have likely shown the king at least what line of thought her mind raced along. her zenith did not dip from its lofty position and her gave did not falter as she heard out his words. a single paw was flexed against the ground, razors lacerating the terrain without a second though. the minute but deep mocha scars she produced in the virgin earth were nothing she'd ever think about again, but simply a momentary distraction, to keep her from going insane over this whole feigning politeness thing. no, she certainly wasn't used to being amongst other large cats again. once, once she'd been queen of a land much like these, and though only a year had passed since then, it seems like an eternity has gone by. slipping back in to reality, her attention was diverted quickly back to blaise, and once again a coy and utterly mischevious smile trounced over her features. she studied him briefly, contemplating, before once more the venomous words were allowed to flirt in the air between them.

the evil horses plan a mutiny against their current king. if you will have the evil big cats support their mutiny, they will fight beside us as we slaughter the lights. for is that not our purpose? to prove for once and for all that the evils are superior to those goodies? oh think about it blaise. do this, and your name shall never be forgotten. they will hail you as the greatest king to ever rule the lands. you, you will be remembered as the king who brought the downfall of the lights, and the rise of the evils. and i, i shall be your queen.

she smirked as the last sentance spewed forth in to the air. and why shouldn't she be queen? she could always just challenge for it, challenge blaise for the crown, and rule alone. but no, she saw worth in him, and while she'd never admit it, she saw that he could be great. her majestic crania then moved in a way it had never done before; down. what, what was this? heretic, my heretic is showing someone respect? even as her player, i must be amazed. in all the lands, all the games she's ever found residence in, she has never, never before bowed her head, even slightly to anyone!

put your trust in the mission
we will not repent - this is our religion

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Subject Author Date
eck, power hungry femalePlayer Dubbith thy name o'Ravyn17:50:22 01/17/03 Fri
  • ecks -- cass, 19:05:13 01/17/03 Fri
. . in the black . .Blaise21:52:31 01/17/03 Fri

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