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Subject: . . in the black . .

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Date Posted: 21:52:31 01/17/03 Fri
In reply to: heretic 's message, "* we will not repent" on 15:07:28 01/17/03 Fri

His mental sneer is now quite full-blown, beyond that of normal 'sneering' level. His physical composure remains intact. -This female is giving me great amusement.- His thoughts collect. The black's weight shifts as he situates himself 'pon his midnight haunches. He watches her calmly, noticing her minute bow. -She sure seems proud of herself.- His thoughts snicker.


He speaks aloud, his voice particularly curt.

Within the horses. You have close ties to Frozen Dreams, hmmm?

He questions frankly. Ha, he loved the advantages of straightforwardness.

I am not after fame and fortune, Heretic. Therefore, I must decline such an idea. The Big Cat Evils are not yet collected enough to apply themselves usefully.

It seems his sharp tongue is getting out of grasp, but it is quite the opposite. He speaks the truth: the raw truth. However stiffly frank it might come off as, he really didn't care.

Also, you seem so sure of yourself becoming queen. How did that come into being?

He pauses, keeping himself from plunging deeper. -Perhaps she has visions.- His thoughts continue for him silently. That very mind-thought made his physically emotionless features crack. A smug smirk fixes itself placidly 'pon his black maw. His emerald pools narrow ever so slightly, in amusement rather than in irritation.

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* standing out is the new pretensionheretic22:42:24 01/17/03 Fri

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