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Date Posted: 09:50:13 11/29/02 Fri
Author: [ tranquility ]
Subject: [ queeen of hearts ]

[ ooc ]
. obsy, i’ve decided that tranquility is going to have two pups, one female and one male…i really don’t have the time to play them all, and i only have a feel for two personalities at the moment. i apologize for the hassle…J .

[. lids peel away from emerald specs, opening and closing profusely as the serpentine frame before her flickers into focus. vocalization of the other registers, and muscles fall slack as her mate’s presence closes in around her. domicile is lifted from its resting place and muzzle is buried promptly into the ruff of the male. he had arrived… .]

. obsidian .
. my mate .
. what you have missed matters naught .
. it matters only that you are here now .

[. bodice pulls away from the mass of fur at her middle, maw gently separating the youth. jowls close tenderly around the nape of the largest heir’s neck, setting the tiny being slightly apart from those around. tongue lolls from gaping jowls, caressing the pelt of the young, taking notice of the pure ebon canvass that possess’ no flaws. muzzle draws away, intentionally presenting the youth to the serpent from whom the pup draws uncanny resemblance .]

. our son .
. the first born .

[wah-OON-chah ]
- imitator -

[. gaze shifts to the second youth and jowls unhinge a second time to bring the smaller heir aside the first. lobes synchronize as whimpering of the latter registers on radar. such sounds are quieted as actions are repeated, fore paw placed with gentle force upon the torso of the youth, warmth given as pelt is cleaned. canvass of the second pup adopts a soft sheen of unblemished ivory, blending smoothly with the mature jewel’s own pelt…ironic resemblance .]

. our daughter .
. the second born .

- one with -

[. frame is pressed close to the youth once more, maw is settled lightly upon the shoulder blades of her mate, affection not masked for once. soft melodic vocalization is released as soul departs for rest .]

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