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. friends! i have returned, but i fear it may be the last time i come here as alpha . .whoa. that hadn't been a planned remark. he blinks to himself, wondering where it had come from. never would he abdicate the throne... but lately, things had been so tense... he was so tired... would it not be more simple to leave them to their own petty problems and try and mingle with a different herd, as more of an equal? easier, yes, but that did not make it right. he could not do that... he could not be so selfish, so mean as to leave them wallowing in their self-pity and weakness. no, like a good king, he would continue to pull them out of this mud. even if it killed him. he coughs and shifts his weight, trying to grasp his earlier train of thought... what was it again? . actually, i take that back. i will not leave you, wolves, because i am your leader and i adore you all. but things must change, now, or maybe i won't have to leave to no longer be alpha. listen, fellow lupines. listen closely, and take heed. i have decided to postpne judgement, namely because it would be unfair to all our newcomers who have only just arrived, and also, because not many of you deserve promotions anyway. i will make a few changes... mostly adding on newcomers and the like... but i may throw in a few judgements. i will speak to each and every one of you individually after this message, and then you will learn how i feel about you and the like. secondly, this activity. do you know how hard it is on me, to know how much you depend on me? you shouldn't. i am not your babysittier, wolves, i am your king. i will rule you, i will teach you, i will guide you, but the second you lean too heavily on me, i collapse. i will not let you fall... i would rather die... but the weight is pushing me on all sides and i am squeeze like a prune. i need you to be able to converse amongst yourselves more, even more. for those wishing acceptance, i will not accept you if you sit in the shadows and refuse to talk to any but me. i do not work that way. get out and about, get yourself known, make a reputation for yourself, or you will get nowhere. is this understood, my friends? do you all think you can do these things for me? please? and now, last of all, i wish to announce two new ranks. one, the students, has been up for a while, but i haven't really explained it. this rank is for wolves i feel need further training before they can obtain a rank. they are trained by the trainers. for details on this, please look at the rank description page. and secondly, warriors. one step above hunter, these are some of the best fighters we have so far. again, for details, the rank descriptions will give you what you need. .and now, for individual messages. tranquility - (-will do a separate one for you heh) faylem & shadow spinner - where are you, my faithful betas? i trust, respect, and like you both, but unless you pick up the activity, i fear demotions may come your way. come, talk to me, share your knowledge and wisdom that pulled me to you the moment i met you. tiger eye - how are you feeling, trainer? i do hope you're healing quickly and effectively... i miss your energetic presence out and about, and your skills are direly needed in training the others here. i will look for a partner to assist in training, but for now, you're doing fine ^_^ temptation & strider - where are you? sometimes your activity is fantastic, and other times i wonder if you've walked off the face of the earth! come show yourselves. you are our hunters, you two, having proved your fighting skills more than once. please, continue to shock me with your abilities. wind dancer - wind dancer, i am sorry, but i no longer believe you are worthy of spy. i like you and trust you, but i think we need to talk further before you can achieve such an honour. please, step down to awaiting rank, so i can further assess you. ebony & dark fire - dark fire, i belive you have left us, have you not? very well. begone. ebony, do pick up the activity, and seek training from tiger eye. it would do you good. i see great potential in you, friend, so try your best and do not prove me wrong. pyralis, silent zephyr, ku'reshtan & cerulean dawn - please, hurry home. your presence is qickly becoming mandatory. lurking darkness, faded mystery & unkanny - i have not seen any of you in some time now. please, come back! horizontal axis, twilight, crystal blue & phire - you all have been wishing acceptance for quite some time, but i'm afraid none of you have earned the right to be promoted. in fact, several of you are inches from exile. i suggest you reply, or begone. .guilty., .blizzard., g{o}thic, ^ spawn ^, \\.niebla obscura.//, kyara, silent stalker & white frost - our newest additions. show yourselves, prove your worth. introduce yourselves formally, please, so that i may macth name and face together. .i believe that is all i have to say. i am going now to update the ranks and make a rank description page. this is an active check, by the way, so please reply, or it will result in your prompt demotion. thank you. .and finally he steps down from his perch, exhausted, all 'talked' out. but there was still more work to be done... he had to see his mate, had to update the ranks, write up the descriptions... it was going to take a long time, but this time, he was determined to do it. |