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Date Posted: 16:27:03 12/01/02 Sun
Author: .temptation.
Subject: .tempted, i'm sure. - .the second litter arrives.

.i have tempted you.
.you are tempted.
.what does this make me?.
.a temptation to you.
.the temptation.

.and so as a hunter of the den she secludes herself, iscolated, alone. looking naught of a hunter while in pain, she gargles in slight agitation of the constant hassle within her pups were causing. mainly pain. her burdened carcass is weighted with the push of the atmospheric pressure and various other competing components, and so she collapses, feeling just about a thousand things at once. the pressure, in her lower body, was building, and soon her litter was delivered, matted and frazzled coats for all four of them. the four including the mother. drenched from the delivery, an absolute first she teeters upon nimble fulcrums, jowls admitting a ruby being to loll from their presence. and the babes were born, not in a manger, nor a barn, but born, the second litter of Obsidians, the second litter of the year.


names-- oh hell! i gotta go, post em tomoro also, gosh sorrie!

oh! ah! I forgot to say..two males and one female..and um, can't post for unkanny tonite, i'll prolly post tomoro.

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