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Date Posted: 15:36:30 12/03/02 Tue
Author: [ tranquility ]
Subject: [ queeen of hearts ]
In reply to: .temptation. 's message, ".tempted, i'm sure. - .the second litter arrives." on 16:27:03 12/01/02 Sun

[. tranquility .]

[. quiet shuffling rouses the shadowed queen of hearts, lids peeling back from emerald spectacles as domicile is lifted unceremoniously from its resting poise. the second of the latter focus blearily on the form of the one, temptation, in the corner of the dimly lit den. jowls gape slightly, a soft melodic note expelled, intended to comfort the other. seeing that obsidian would not be aware of the birth before the youth were delivered, ivory frame, slim once more post birthing, is supported once more by limber quads. jowls close gently around waunca, the ebon male and then iyuptala, the ivory female. bodice settles once again close to the youth that are deposited nearer to the other female. polished gem remains aside the birthing one throughout the delivery and one the young are born, specs marvel over each…the second litter… .]

[. i don’t believe we’ve been introduced .]
[. but now is no time for formalness .]
[. sleep now .]
[. rest assured i’ll stand guard .]
[. until obsidian arrives .]

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