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Date Posted: 22:39:31 01/03/03 Fri
Author: critic
Subject: newest circus freak at your service
In reply to: [ tranquility ] 's message, "[ queeen of hearts || all in NOW! NO EXECPTIONS! ]" on 16:36:04 01/03/03 Fri

well. the queen. she had yet to meet anyone. really. it always ended before she could catch their name. not this time. pinions unfold under her form, escaping from gravity and pulling her underfed carcass to standing. was no one's fault but her own. always hoping for a better meal. inactive. she was sorry. in a weird way. she had a suggestion for the queen. a simple one. perhaps they should hold a riad. all who arrive and act get premotion. all who arrive and remain silent are left alone. those who are cowardly are demoted. she herself had yet to be ranked. even put on the pending list. pathetic. acoustics plaster tete as space between her and the queen close to collision. carbon filters around muzzle. snowshow nails click against stone and earth as she ends the movement. crania lowers, juncture bending as respect is shown. extension grows taut close to the ground, as body slinks towards the matriarch. rib cage brushes against the ground as a whine and low growl erupts from cavity. in pleasure, not anger nor mutiny. she wished to find an alliance. after they sorted most things out.

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