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Margi: I think I finally understand the why and fors of Swill in the South Pacific, it was to put closure to -- Candy, 06:43:49 09/13/02 Fri
I've been around long enough and I've seen the movie more times than I have fingers and toes. The "TnT are FINITO" warning bells went off at decimal 10 when GT said he was well aware there were about 3 TnT'ers with 78 alters spamming the shit out of everyone. This is WHY I don't participate in campaigns. I know a lot of T&B'ers wanted a gruesome death for TeaUGH but truthfully, I like this much better. GT finally got his ass off that fence and is making a statement to us all. Todd ALWAYS has and ALWAYS will love Blair more than Tea <~~I think he tried to love her but his HEART was alwys with Blair and his child(ren) as it should be)
That said, I have no expectations that T&B4 will be any better than this last go around was....forwarned is forearmed and I for one hate carrots, especially when they expect me to bend over and let them cram it where the sun doesn't shine...UNGREASED!! And that my friend(s) is EXACTLY what happened to the TnT'ers with this "Swill in the South Pacific" SL....nuff said
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