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Subject: Re: We reckon........

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Date Posted: 08:50:28 05/14/05 Sat
In reply to: Team Cumbum 's message, "We reckon........" on 08:32:45 04/11/05 Mon

Hello Mr Ewart and Mrs King,

Sounds like u boys are busy! A little birdie told me that Mrs King had finally grown some balls is playing midfield rather than sitting in the forward line complaining about her back! What shade of ginga is ur hair now Ewie??

>I was wondering if that ginger Luke Jones was still
>getting a game in the senior side, coz if that is
>true you guys are sure to finish up winless. As a
>footballer he does make for a rerasonable soccer
>player, and we would wonder if that dream of the five
>person dream team ever got a start or is it just
>fainting away.....?
>And we also heard that Trev ( cu#t ) was at the head
>of the sussex swans team, is some one going to bring
>the ladder to each game for him to stand on during the
>breaks or some one just steal a soap box from speakers
>corner and bring it along for the little guy.
>any truth in the rumour that Gowie has now been
>knocked back from the english fire brigade as he wants
>to fight fires in the nude, and the locals are
>frightened to grab the wrong hose in an emergency?
>It was recently mentioned that Eddie, aka, hotrod, aka
>hollywood was seen chatting up some birds at the
>walkabout claiming he was chris tarrant and that he
>had walked away from the game again... can someone
>Apparently the loch ness monster is not the beast to
>see in the uk at the moment. Sightings of a large
>sassquash type creature circumnavigating hyde park in
>bright orange shorts, has the locals charging 3 quid a
>view at speakers corner to witness the horror.
>latest on the gossip grape vine revolves around a
>certain hippy who seems to believe that Syd vicious is
>his father. it is reported that he was seen playing in
>some snow with a didgiree doo inserted in his nose,
>and not making any music...
>We would really like it if any of the creatures from
>the wilderness at The Pond could confirm or deny any
>of the details above.

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