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Date Posted: 06/ 2/04 7:52pm
Author: Mystical Dream
Subject: .a stranger's better than nobody.
In reply to: Devlyn 's message, "- Dum Spiro, Spero -" on 06/ 2/04 3:52pm

Near-ebonite lanterns fell upon a foreign sahib jigging up the dunes towards her, his splotched pelt standing out easily against the golden sands. Her own red face dipped in response, black tendrils falling in the way of her sight. Grinning lightly, the bay dove found herself caught up in his contagious good mood. An almost giggle-like snort erupted from her briefly- how long had it been since the vix had been called "m'lady"? Going along in a joking manner, the dove uttered her next words formally, though heavy with good-humor.
Why hello, good sir Devlyn, how nice to meet you. I don't believe I've seen you either, though that's most likely due to my being gone. My own name is Mystical Dream, or Dream, as the others might remember me by.
Still grinning, her ooids peered out from beneath her ebonite forelock. So far, so good- looked like this mascu' was gonna be fun.

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