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Date Posted: 06/ 5/04 10:22am
Author: Tori
Subject: [ . Infamous . ]
In reply to: Firelight 's message, "//no mistakes\\" on 06/ 5/04 9:39am

The gilded matriarch watched the humbled Evil carefully, her mask of practiced neutrality firmly in place. Only her light eyes betrayed the slightest hint of her true inner musings. Tori was the eternal mother, always wanting to help, to heal, to guide. Those mothering instincts were hard to suppress, obviously, considering the golden mare had agreed to help someone who would likely wreak havoc on her home in the future. But that was the catch to being Light. She knew all this and still helped. Gods help her, what next?

Tufted peaks furrowed forwards, listening intently. So Firelight needed advice, eh? Why had she come running to Tori? That was a question that would probably never receive an answer. It was a question Tori would never ask. Despite their life choices, despite what had occured in the not-too-distant past, she would offer what she could and deal with the aftermath later.

Green eyes met pleading ones, communicating nonverbally for the chestnut to follow. Honey-dappled limbs picked up an easy walk, encouraging Firelight to follow. If she was going to be of assistance, perhaps their meeting should move away from the entrance to the beach. The last thing Tori wanted to deal with was questions from her herdmates. It would be too difficult to explain. Her pace slow, she turned her head to glance at the chestnut, skipping over all but one sentance the female had uttered.

"What advice can I give, Firelight?"

Her tone was soothing, not censuring. Despite their polar opposite appearances, beliefs, and stations in life, Tori would give what she could and damn the consequences. She could only hope that the Evil would remember the kindness next time she felt like decimating the Lights.

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