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Subject: Re: *Summons*

Kayun & Boyaknu
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Date Posted: 16:49:30 02/14/03 Fri
In reply to: Harmony 's message, "*Summons*" on 16:18:45 02/14/03 Fri

~+~*the girl bowed her head and held the staff parallel to the ground to her side, using only her left hand. ahe slowly brought it foreward to point at Harmony, as a small blue bubble formed at the tip of it. she lifted the flat part of her staff, pushing the bubble into the air. after a moment, it popped, causing the room to fill with water. Harmony was almost pushed out the door by the sudden impact of the water, but was spared when it began to form a whirl pool around the room, staying close to the sides on the room and leaving only the center of the room dry. the walls of the whirl pool nearly reached the ceiling, leaving little space between it and the roof. the wall of water covered the door and all of the former windows. all at once, the walls colapsed to the center of the room, and came together to form one large creature. it resembeled a lioness with wings and hooves, but made entirely of water. the girl took a step back off the circle as it took its place to fight. after the girl gave her orders, you heard the voice of the creature in your head.*~+~

Girl- go Boyaknu.....

Boyaknu- :Strike me down, Summoner! Free Kayun from herself!:

~+~*the girl (aparently named Kayun) climbed onto Boyaknu's back, between her neck and the joints of her wings. a second whirlpool formed around the outside of the room, and Kayun pointed her staff at it. the lion-like Boyaknu lept into the twisting spiral of water, and both of them vanished from view. long tendrils of water shot out from the walls at the 2 summons, narrowly missing Harmony.*~+~

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Re: *Summons*Harmony12:22:23 02/17/03 Mon

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