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Date Posted: 22:42:54 04/06/02 Sat
Author: Sushi
Subject: Some more... digging through the JB's archives to rescue this stuff.... (ten)

Height at the Shoulder~Any height, not giants or anything, though...
Species' Colors~Any, just not, like, bright pink or purple.
Temperment~ Depends which Form they're in.
Species' Description~ They have two forms, referred to as the First and Second Forms. In first form, they are mostly human-like, 'cept with a tail, slight fur, and a cat-like face. They also tend to have longer fingernails/teeth.
Once reaching the age of 100, they turn to their Second Form. The Second Form is almost a cat Anthro/Furry/whatever, except there is, of course, a reason they are called BloodCats...once in second form, they become Vampires. Yes, blood Vampires, if you're going to ask.
The one difference is that they have a talon instead of a third paw-thingy (dunno what they're called...).
Once 'coming of age',aka reaching their second form, they keep their fangs and appearence all their lives.
The normal life expectancy for a BloodCat is around 10,000 years.

Height at the Shoulder~ one foot
Species' Colors~ Can come in black, white, brown, or tri colored ((in this case, black an white feathers with a brown beak.
Temperment~ at times, very ferocious, but most of the time gentle
Species' Description~ Wolf like head with a large beak, feathered wings and sharp talons for feet. Can have either a Bird like tail or a wolf like tail.

Home World~ Diminshnite
Height at the Shoulder~1 foot
Species' Colors~ Silver and any other color
Temperment~ They are very nice but can get ticked off easily
Species' Description~ They look like house cats but have superpowerful sniffers.... kind of like vaccuum cleaners...

Home World~ Earth-but we don't know it.
Height at the Shoulder~ one inch max.
Species' Colors~ Green, blue, yellow, or red.
Temperment~ They are mostly nice...But when anyone mentions their size they become defiant.
Species' Description~ They stand on two legs that spew fire so that they can fly. Almost like rockets, but they make no sound. They have five arms and a centameters worth of hip area.

Home World~ Graltan
Height at the Shoulder~ four feet
Species' Colors~ bluegray or creamy yellow.
Temperment~ They are very sentimental besides the way they look. They will get very teary if you even compliment the way they look.
Species' Description~ They have huge snouts with very long tongues. Their arms are always sticking up and out, like a starfish. Their legs are flexable, though, and can run very fast indeed.

Home World~ Unknown
Height at the Shoulder~ 6-7 feet
Species' Colors~ Grey, black, brown or bright blue.
Temperment~ Their heads are mostly in the clouds. They have a tendancy to lose complete intrest in the conversation and do something else.
Species' Description~ They have huge faces that look almost exactly like happy faces except for the color and antena on their heads. They have large bushy tails that are conected to bodies that are oval shaped. Two arms as long as their legs make it easy to get on all fours and run very fast. Their feet are raptorlike, with a third toe sticking out the back of their heel. This toe is deadly, but is rarley used because of its placement.

Home World~ Earth-but we don't know it.
Height at the Shoulder~ When they pull up they are about 2 1/2 feet.
Species' Colors~ Wheels are always tan. Mostly earth tones. No green, yellow, purple or that stuff.
Temperment~ This can be anything. Rarely do they speak. Most think them mute.
Species' Description~ They have thick, snakelike bodies with spikes all down their backs. Wheels all down their underside provides transportation. They move like inchworms except faster. They have very sharp teeth but are vegetarians, so they can bite into the toughest of leaves. Mostly the make their homes in forests or plains.

Home World~ Rekila
Height at the Shoulder~Um...3 inches to 3 feet
Species' Colors~ Brick red with yellow streaks, Forest green with purple streaks, or tan with brown streaks.
Temperment~ They are very disagreable once you get to them. If their mother was a BrY (Brickred with Yellow) then at first they will be very sarcastic and unkind. If their mother was FgP (Forestgreen with purple) then they will be very shy and timid. If the mother was TB (Tan with Brown) then they will be easy going and uncaring. This changes when you know them well.
Species' Description~ They have a snake body that pulls upward. Two strong arms are used to drag themselves along. They have heads shaped like triangles and two large cupped ears perfect for hearing things many miles away. Streaks of sub-color run down their body. When they coil up a small cloud forms beneath them, fills with their sub-color, and provides fast transportation.

Home World~ Lavana
Height at the Shoulder~ Lack of shoulder here. They are anywhere from 3 to 7 inches long.
Species' Colors~ Greys. Sometimes black.
Temperment~ Since they aren't sentient, it's more like instincts. They hunt, and they swarm, and they kill. However, they're intelligent enough to not kill anycrett who 'owns' the territory that they nest in.
Species' Description~ Picture a clawed finger. Take out the joints. Add bat-like wings and two short, strong talons. Add a wiry little tail and beady little eyes. There ya go. These blood-sucking beasts live in huge swarms, usually nesting in trees. They're very fast in flight and eat by latching onto their prey with talons, then stabbing their 'claw' (in place of a mouth) into flesh. The claw is hollow, so they can pump blood through, which their second heart aids in doing quickly. These little things have an armored hide, and are very tough to kill. They don't hunt just non-sentients, either. A swarm of clatts can kill a Korat (that doesn't run away fast enough) within two minutes, and the carcass can be dry within seven minutes. They can fly over 70 mph in a chase, and while not self-aware, are smart enough to coordinate their movements to bring down their prey. They're fearsome creatures, all in all.

Home World~ Earth (they were a scientific experiment gone wrong)
Height~ tallest is 5'9" tall in humanoid form, any cat height in cat form.
Species' Colors~any cat colors, black, white, orange, calico, spotted, tortishell,etc.
Temperment~ any human temperment. tend to hate humans, for they are the one's who created them.
Species' Description~ in cat form they are long haired, like an angora, but not like a persian. their fur is not too long, but in between long and short. in humanoid form they have large, catty eyes, that are in cat colors, blue, green, amber, light brown, gold, or a mixture of two, or odd eyed. they look like humans, but tend to be really thin and not very tall, the tallest normally being 5'9" tall. hair is the color of their cat's form fur, their skin is the same, but lighter (ex: calico longhair cat form, humanoid form: any height, with calico hair (black white orange), which if long is streaked with the colors. skin is lightly patched with organge, black and white.). they have retractable claws on they're hands at their second knuckle, but not on their feet. they are highly intelligent and quick witted, they are agile, flexible and fast runners.
specie's history~ Huats were created in human labs by splicing human and cat D.N.A., most of them died when the lab caught fire, but a few managed to escape. they found a portal and were transported here. Huats hate humans. Huats used to live in packs, but now that is rare, most of them now adays are loners, keeping to themsleves. they hate water, they transform into their cat form to bathe.
naming~Huats normally don't have a last name, and their name is normally in the cat tongue.

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