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Date Posted: 23:07:51 04/06/02 Sat
Author: Sushi
Subject: Some of my own cretts who weren't good enough to get into the Archives... *G* (fourteen)

Home World~ Lavana
Height at the Shoulder~ 20-25 ft.
Species' Colors~ Light earth tones.
Temperment~ Nonsentient, but basically like bison. Dangerous when provoked, otherwise gentle grazers and yes, they do scavenge from other hunters' kills.
Species' Description~ Heavily built quadrupeds, Riowers have fur and rather bulked-up Brontosaurus heads. Their teeth are many, small, and sharp, able to eat scavenged meat or shred plant leaves and grass. Their necks are long, and their torsos are heavy and almost look pudgy, despite the fact that most of their weight is muscle. They have long, powerful tails that provide their defense from predators, and their legs are muscular, almost feline, and end in elephant-style feet. These cretts travel in small herds in the plains and in some sparse forests, venturing into the snowy arctic regions as well.

Gancio-Mascella (also known as Hook-Jaws)
Home World~ Lavana
Height at the Shoulder~ 2-3 ft
Species' Colors~ Generally bright colours with hollow triangular markings. Eyes are huge and purely black.
Temperment~ Unknown. I don't even know if they're sentient or not.
Species' Description~ Small and thin, GMs are omnivores. Their forelegs are like a cheetah's, almost, with tiny, dainty paws and no claws. Their hind legs, however, are normal-shaped until you get to their 'paws'. These hindfeet are simply two talons, pointing backwards, with no visible palm and the digits appear to connect directly to the leg. Each digit, though, is tipped in a long, curving claw. Their tails are feline, and torso is shallow-chested and narrow-waisted. They get their name, however, from their vaguely panther-like heads - their long muzzles and crocodilian teeth. The upper jaw curves downwards, before curving back up to form a 'hook' in the jaw, which reaches almost to the bottom of their bottom jaw.

Home World~ Lavana
Height at the Shoulder~ 6-10 ft.
Species' Colors~ Browns and blacks and greys. Wait, there's more than one black? O,o
Temperment~ Seeing as they're nonsentient, basically like elk or buffalo of earth. They're also unpredictable and violent (like everything ELSE on Lavana.)
Species' Description~ Ungulates (hooved animals), Helks live in big herds, with a few big males striking out on their own. They basically look like gigantic elks, although they're built like moose and have huge, rather sharp-tipped racks of antlers. They're very dangerous, but hunted as food. Yummy! And Nila and other clothes-wearing cretts hunt them for their thick, warm hides, too.

Home World~ Lavana
Height at the Shoulder~ 3-4 ft.
Species' Colors~ Greens, blues, purples, greys, yellows.
Temperment~ Nonsentient, but intelligent nonetheless and omnivores, hunting small game or eating berries.
Species' Description~ Shaped rather like Gallimimus or another similar bird-dinosaur, these lightly built, agile bipeds are cousins of the Giwl. With narrow heads, long necks, mobile and slender forearms and muscular, powerful hind legs, they're superb runners. Their tails are long for balancing, and reasonably muscular, considering the slim build of the Siilo. Their yellow eyes are huge, giving them excellent night and day vision. Their teeth are many, small, narrow, and sharp, enabling them to catch their favorite food -fish- and pluck berries off branches.

Home World~ Lavana
Height at the Shoulder~ 2-3 ft.
Species' Colors~ Any.
Temperment~ Nonsentient... acting rather like a earth deer.
Species' Description~ Slim quadrupeds, Chynks are mostly herbivores, though they'll scavenge meat if they can. Their heads are somewhat like Pernese dragons/flits, without the ridges and topped in a webbed sort of crest. They have long necks, slender legs, a slim torso, and a long graceful tail. They have dainty paws, with catlike claws, and they have two pairs of draconic wings - one over their shoulders and one in the middle of their back. The shoulderwings are larger and more powerful than the backwings. They have pebbly skin, no fur.

Kotana (plural Kotanae)
Home World~ Lavana
Height at the Shoulder~ 6-7 ft.
Species' Colors~ Anything not pink, purple, or flourescent.
Temperment~ Dumb as rocks, and spooked VERY easily. They'll run from a Chitter! Not sentient.
Species' Description~ Hooved quadrupeds, Kotanae are built vaguely like elk. They have long, whiplike tails and heavy hooves. Their fur is thick and scraggly-looking, and their eyes are enormous, adapted for night grazing and foraging, and gives them a perpetually idiotic-surprised look. The back of their skull has ridges, looking somewhat like Bart Simpson's head. Generally easy kills, these herbivores are often hunted in the northern regions of Lavana.

Home World~ Lavana
Height at the Shoulder~ 4-6 ft.
Species' Colors~ Pale, calm earth tones.
Temperment~ Deer-like. Very deer-like. Nonsentient.
Species' Description~ These calm grazers are, of course, quadrupeds. They have sleek, gentle-looking heads with big, round eyes and hard but blunt beaks at the beginning of their jaws, before it goes back to regular flesh-and-bone with flat teeth and molars. They have long, agile necks, and the rest of their body is much like a white-tailed deer. However, their tail is serpentine, longer than themselves and winding around constantly. Their fur is short, smooth, and soft. Ashinos are the main prey of Asheins.

Bym (bihm)
Home World~ Lavana
Height at the Shoulder~ 4-5 ft.
Species' Colors~ Browns and greys.
Temperment~ Like any other herd animal - dumb and panicky.
Species' Description~ Byms are easily described. They have a smooth, long skull, flat deer-like teeth, and internal ears. Their eyesight is the best sense they have, with smell and hearing both rather poor. They have long, sinuous necks and long, graceful tails. They have no torsos, simply a seat of balance which is their hips. Yep, only two legs. At all. These two legs are rather dinosaur-ish, and appear to be hind legs. They have two-toed paws which have dull claws. These creatures are usually hunted by beginner or less successful species, as to kill one is considered somewhat an easy job.

Carnivorous Bym (also known as C-Bym or C'Bym)
Home World~ Lavana
Height at the Shoulder~ 3.5-4.5 ft.
Species' Colors~ Earth tones, including reds.
Temperment~ Vicious when provoked, but just as dumb as their sister-species.
Species' Description~ Exactly like a regular Bym, except for a few differences. Their heads are more raptorish, containing a wicked set of sharp teeth. Their senses are much better. And their talon-feet are larger, three-toed, and sharply clawed. Despite being carnivorous, these C'Byms are also hunted by sentient predators on Lavana.

Ashein (ah-SHEEN)
Home World~ Lavana
Height at the Shoulder~ 2 ft.
Species' Colors~ Grey.
Temperment~ These intelligent, yet nonsentient carnivores are dangerous when provoked, and prove unpredictable when they are in numbers, facing down a loner of any other species.
Species' Description~ Small quadrupedal Athians. They have short, smooth fur which is resistant to stains and moisture. They have huge eyes, the iris nearly invisible with the pupil taking up over half of the visible eyeball. Their slender jaws house nasty, sharp teeth. Reasonably long-necked and slim-bodied, these pack hunters can be very dangerous, even to a good fighter. Their paws are a cross between canine and feline, with long claws. Their limbs are typical Athian, as is their tail. Very agile and quick, Asheins are to be avoided when possible.

Home World~ Lavana
Height at the Shoulder~ About a foot.
Species' Colors~ Earth tones, cat/dog colors and markings.
Temperment~ Exceedingly friendly little beasts. Nonsentient, but almost held as sacred on Lavana. Not even a starving crett would try to kill and eat a Chitter. Always welcomed on cold nights, as Chitters like to curl up and sleep with a reasonably non-evil Lavanian.
Species' Description~ Vaguely feline. Much like a long-haired, fluffy housecat, or maybe shih tzu, with a long and fluffy tail, feline claws and paws, and wide, intelligent eyes. They live in huge groups of at least fifty.

Quomai (kwoh-may)
Home World~ Lavana
Height at the Shoulder~ They don't exactly *have* shoulders. Height at the top of their shells, maybe forty feet? Dunno. I've never tried measuring one. ;)
Species' Colors~ Errah. Basically anything. Tend to be green/grey/brown, though.
Temperment~ Nonsentient herbivores, but nonetheless vicious. They live in big herds and if some predator does manage to take one of them down, the rest of the herd won't give up the body without a fight. Considering their size, it's a pretty dangerous maneuver to hunt one. Only Minmons can get away with it easily.
Species' Description~ Think big, long-legged turtle. Kinda. They do have reptilian heads with sharp front teeth (for slicing off veggies) and strong molars for chewing in the back. Their hide is pebbly and exceedingly tough, practically armored. They have a shell with ridges going along their spine, the ridges being sharp of course. The shell only reaches halfway down their flanks, leaving their long, elephant-style legs free to stampede when needed. They have a very small, turtle-like tail. Basically very big and nasty grazers.

Preda Ben (pray-dah behn)
Home World~ Lavana and Terole
Height at the Shoulder~ Anywhere from 3 to 9 feet. Bulls are a lot bigger than most hens.
Species' Colors~ Crimson and grey-white. As the 'Ben gets older, the grey-white fades and they become more crimson. Hatchlings are entirely grey-white, and crimson begins on their backs, then goes up their neck, and down their legs and tail.
Temperment~ Generally aggressive. Nonsentient and omnivorous; they graze occasionally and eat berries and catch fish, but they'll scavenge if they can. When they lose a herd member, they'll either ignore it or try to avenge its death. Depends.
Species' Description~ Rather like Gallimimus, now that I compare the two; bipeds. A small, reptilian head, narrow and sharp teeth, a long slender neck. Long, agile forearms splitting into two long clawed fingers -- no palm or what you might call a hand. Their body is slender (in the smaller specimens) or stocky (in the larger ones). Their tail is long, thick at the base and tapering into a tip. Their hind legs are definitely dinosauric, strong and muscular and ending in three-toed talons with admittedly sharp claws. They're pretty fast, able to run up to 60 mph, though the larger ones can go up to 80 in a quick sprint.

Elei (ee-lee)
Home World~ Lavana
Height at the Shoulder~ About a foot long, possibly a foot anna half.
Species' Colors~ Bright, and I mean BRIGHT, colours. Always neon and flourescent. Always a solid colour.
Temperment~ Dumb as rocks, but hey, they're useful. Like Chitters, few if any Lavanians would ever consider eating an Elei, or even killing it.
Species' Description~ Very small, pliable reptiles. They have four short, slim legs ending in tinily-clawed talons. Their torso is almost snake-like, and they may or may not have draconic wings. Their tail is also snake-like. Their head is odd - almost birdlike, with a small beak, large eyes, and two 'horns' - merely knobs of bone above their eyes. They eat berries, but usually feast on parasites, bugs, and dead skin and dried blood. Gross? Nope, helpful. They'll attach themselves (the dyone'd things are hard to get off) to a Lavanian, and keep that crett's hide clean and healthy. It's only annoying when they wedge themselves in an uncomfortable place, like in the crook of one's elbow or knee. But they're tolerated, since a Lavanian with an Elei or two rarely gets sick, and his wounds heal extra-quickly. Oh, and they're asexual. Like amoebas. They reproduce by splitting in half, length-wise, and in doing so they'll shrink somewhat.

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