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Subject: Getting to know you, getting to know all about you....

Whos curious
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Date Posted: 00:57:17 09/10/02 Tue

Hello my dear new acquaintences, and Ghost. I was thinking. (Oh shut up :P) I realized I don't know yous guys very well. So I thought I'd hit you with a questionare. Nothing real personal I promise. Just little things. If you hate these, fill it out anyway. I'm a bored writer with a muse on holiday, so please, humor me? :) I'll fill it out too. I'm not going to ask you for something I won't give. At least not here in public. ;)

1. Whats your favorite colour(s)?
2. Whats your favorite animal(s)?
3. What is your favorite time of day?
4. Whats your favorite time of year?
5. What is in your cd player, or cassette player or stereo right now?
6. What is your favorite band(s) right now?
7. What is your Zodiac sign?
8. Do you know your Chinese Zodiac sign?
9. How come?
10.Whats your second favorite tv show? I think I can guess your first. ;p

1. Whats your favorite colour(s)? Green, Black, Purple
2. Whats your favorite animal(s)? Tigers, dogs,cats
3. What is your favorite time of day? Night time.
4. Whats your favorite time of year? Autumn
5. What is in your cd player, or cassette player or stereo right now? Ths Doors, Godsmack, White Zombies's Super Sexy Swinging Sounds,Beethovens 9th was in the cassette player but got gobbled. :(
6. What is your favorite band right now? White Zombie and Linkin Park
7. What is your Zodiac sign? Sagittarius
8. Do you know your Chinese Zodiac sign? Yes I do, Tiger.
9. How come? Because I'm interested in this sort of thing and have learned a little of it.
10.Whats your second favorite tv show? I think I can guess your first. ;p Well, don't hit me but Farscape isn't my favorite show. Right now The Wire is, but the last of the season was just on, so I'm back in Buffy's arms. Well, Spike's anyway.;) this season better not suck. Ugh a pun. tsk
Ok boys and girls, thanx for plying along, and remember, the meaning of life is simple, people make it hard.
It is... Life is to be lived. Now go get back in your rollercoaster car, raise your arms and holler at the scary parts, and enjoy!

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Subject Author Date
Re: Getting to know you, getting to know all about you....NieMMY13:37:12 09/10/02 Tue
Re: Getting to know you, getting to know all about you....Alchemist's Ghost16:05:23 09/10/02 Tue

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