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Subject: Re: Getting to know you, getting to know all about you....

Alchemist's Ghost
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Date Posted: 16:05:23 09/10/02 Tue
In reply to: Whos curious 's message, "Getting to know you, getting to know all about you...." on 00:57:17 09/10/02 Tue

Ghost is one very unhappy puppy right now. The Geekmobile is STILL in the shop, and I cannot get any of the servicemen to answer the phone.


*Ghost does her best Scorpie growl, and sounds just like a bunny squeeking, as usual.*

1. Whats your favorite colour(s)?
Black, black, black, dark purple, grey, white

2. Whats your favorite animal(s)?
Dead lobster, with butter; dead cow, with steak sauce.
Among the living: dogs, horses.

3. What is your favorite time of day?
What ever time it is now.

4. Whats your favorite time of year?
What ever time of year it is now.

5. What is in your cd player, or cassette player or stereo right now?
Tom Petty
(not the CD or tape--Tom Petty, the actual person. OK, J/K!)

6. What is your favorite band(s) right now?

(This is where the shit gets SCARY, folks!
Notice my answers compared w/ NieMMY's!)

7. What is your Zodiac sign?
Cancer--cusp of Leo (20 July)

8. Do you know your Chinese Zodiac sign?
Yes, I do.
Would you like to know what it is, too?
The Dragon

9. How come?
Because I ate at the Chinese AYCE Monday for lunch.

10.Whats your second favorite tv show? I think I can guess your first. ;p
Farscape, Buffy, CSI.
Sometimes the order changes; I'm a fickle bitch.

And NO rollercoaster rides!!
Besides a detached retina, I throw up.

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Re: Getting to know you, getting to know all about you....whosshe18:07:41 09/10/02 Tue

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