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Subject: dori

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Date Posted: 14:17:13 03/19/15 Thu
In reply to: dori 's message, "Hi guys!" on 13:50:09 03/19/15 Thu

Hi dori. I thought thst everyone gave up and ran away.

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[> [> Subject: Hi guys!

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Date Posted: 10:22:41 03/20/15 Fri

Not to worry, Gerry. We never go away... we just get busy from time to time--me traveling back and forth to Seattle and Atlanta and Hillbilly tending to his wife with her medical issues and they home school his twin grandchildren, so I'm surprised we even get him here. I'm honored that he still comes to share his scriptural knowledge with us!
Hillbilly, I'm glad Dale's hip is doing well, but sorry to read that her PT has caused her to hurt her back. She just can't get a break! Kathy's hip is doing well and she has a physical therapist coming to the house 3 times a week to make sure she is keeping at her PT, but she is still having some headache issues stemming from the spinal they gave her to do the hip replacement procedure. She had to go to the ER twice because of debilitating pain of the headaches and projectile vomiting. She's weaning herself off her pain meds, but the PT person told her not to go off completely until she was a little more stable. They had her up walking, two hours after the surgery, and sent her home a couple of hours after that. That's just too soon IMO. They needed to have her where they could monitor her and realize she was having a bad reaction to the spinal. It didn't help that all this was happening on the weekend, when no one was in the office to call for help. But, having said all that, she's really recuperating well with the hip and doing all the exercises through the pain. Her hubby has been such a good helpmate, too. My estimation of him quadrupled after seeing him caring for her so well.
Ha! Sorry for making this into a book! 8-)

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[> [> [> Subject: Unbelievable

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Date Posted: 16:35:39 03/20/15 Fri

Your daughter has my complete sympathy on being released after just 4 hours. Insane!

The ones who released her so soon ought to have to have the same thing done to them and I believe they would get a different perspective.

Dale was released on the third day and she suffered much after getting home. She also had home therapy as your daughter and she also had a spinal block for the surgery.

She did not have the headaches and the only negative in her case was that very painful strained or torn back muscle which was probably caused by 18 years of prednisone steroid for for Crohns. Those steroids will greatly weaken muscles over time.

I will keep Kathy in my prayers for a speedy and complete recovery from it all.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Thanks, Hillbilly

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Date Posted: 17:51:55 03/20/15 Fri

Your prayers are very much appreciated. And I'm so glad Dale's experience went better.
Supposedly, the reason they wanted Kathy to go home so soon was to avoid infection. That's a pretty lame reason, if you ask me. And why didn't they call to check up on her? I know it was the weekend, but to me it is a very uncaring method of patient care.
They were shocked to find that she'd gone to the ER twice for the debilitating headaches--on Saturday and at 5am on Monday. We think those two episodes were triggered by the bacterial antibiotic they gave her. She took the first one on Friday night, after the meds from Thursday had worked through her system, and within a half hour the headache began, with searing, blinding pain, followed a couple of hours later with projectile vomiting. Her hubby had to call an ambulance Saturday morning to help because he really couldn't lift her or carry her, having just had the surgery. Then on Sunday she was getting a bit better, but still had the headache and nausea. Then she took the second antibiotic pill at 6 pm Sunday and within a half hour, the severe headache came back, but she didn't want to go to the hospital. She fought us until about 5 am, when she finally agreed to let Aaron drive her to the ER, a half hour drive away. So, you'll never convince me that those two doses of that antibiotic didn't have something to do with her condition getting worse. So we had her stop taking it and called her GP asking what to do about the headache and nausea that Monday night. He said she could double up on the pain and nausea pills, and that got her through the third night and feeling almost human the next day.
Hillbilly, I think I witnessed what people suffering in Hell must look like looking at her face while she was suffering those headaches.

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