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Date Posted: 18:51:11 12/24/02 Tue
Author: Shadow's Secrets
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Subject: § oh and now he wants a fight...
In reply to: Shadow's Secrets 's message, "§ what's this? a newcomer? §" on 17:42:54 12/20/02 Fri

want some advice? fine. price? free. but the right advice? ...now that we have to discuss...

§ nares flare as mistress flicks ribbons to ward off the flies. dial is tossed, mute 'grin' of a sorts inserted 'pon features o' she. this one was in no hurry. after all, it was her lands, and she knew them inside and out. so what if he was bigger, stronger? she was quicker, and smarter. isn't that how fate played out? the big strong ones were idiots, while the small quick ones recived all the brains. although... this monarch didn't look half as much dimwitted as some she had met before this. clawed forefeet dig at the rocky terrain impaitently. but no, shrew would let him make the first move. after all, it was he that wanted this peace of paridise, wasn't it? and if beast wasn't willing to fight for it...

and we have a challenger, ladies and gentlemen! i wonder what he's gonna do... prolly gonna try some quick move. but then again, maybe not... he's good. i can tell that already. but no, he won't get this land unless i'm dead. and if i do die, then i'll come back to haunt him. forever.

and so it's a stand off. a new beast, challenges the mistress, the outcast. who will win? lets watch and find out...

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