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Date Posted: 17:42:54 12/20/02 Fri
Author: Shadow's Secrets
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Subject: § what's this? a newcomer? §
In reply to: °*°Çosmo§°*° 's message, "°*°...g a l a x y...°*°" on 17:54:55 12/15/02 Sun

§ well, well, well... what have we here? a new one? and it's trying to take my land at that... get real. §

§ slender limbs bring spitfire out from the surrounding foilage. the beast's dull ebony hide makes it so that the other does not sight femme until wanted. halting close enough so that the other could see femme, she lets out her own unearthly scream, this one of challenge and rage. forefeet become talon's in the blink of an eyelash. powerful hind kickers lever fatale off the terra, front pawing the air, daring the other to try to take this piece of land from her... §

well. so this one thinks that he can take Mizraim away from me? ha. that's the best joke I've heard all my life as an outcast. but who cares? he's here, trying to take what is mine, and I'm not gonna let him.

so... now the challenge has been made. a newcomer, wanting this piece of terrain. the mistress of the land, here to defend her right. what will come of this? let's watch and see.

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