›damn the days of winter; her wretched fingers of ice stretching over the whole of creoto and engulfing it in her loathesome blankets of white. oh how he scorned the awful season of cold, despising it to the fullest extent. and so sadist emerged from the darkness of the shadows, richly colored hide sticking out like a sore thumb. his naturally dour mood had worsened during his journey, but upon the sight of a snowlacking domicile, it immediately perked. it was quite the relief to escape the abominable powder. the carmine tinged leviathan stood confidently at the border of rodanim, banefully observing those that inhabited the forest. so, these were the equines he was to socialize with? scoundrels and ruffians, the type you never turned your back on. oh how he loved it. at last, he felt that he'd uncovered his true home. sure, there were puritans roaming as well, but it seemed that those of corruption were currently overpowering the silverbloods. with a hint of both malice andd pleasure, the cry of sadist reverberates through the terrain for all to hear; it beckons those that are in need of new faces to come greet him, know him better. the bloody baron was actually quite eager to learn more of creoto's residents. and so he stood on the brink of rodanim's outskirts, searching for one worthy of conversation, as a bitter zephyr sardonically slashed at his hide with his dyed-to-match tendrils. yes, creoto was definitely to become his permanent residence..
i am the sadistic creature that haunts your nightmares. as you can see, my color is that of the sweetest blood and my years number five. at current, i bear no titles and possess no treasures. my heart has been chained to none, and i trust no one. thus, i have none to call my progeny. beware the night, traveler.. |