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Date Posted: 16:43:08 05/10/02 Fri
Author: Calm
Subject: Re: Accelerated Reader
In reply to: mod 's message, "Re: Accelerated Reader" on 14:41:36 05/10/02 Fri

Again you are confused. My company offers its "independent contractors" the trip incentives. Niether I nor my husband is an employee of the company that we represent. Our reward is based on annual sales. I do have an incentive program in force for my secretary (an employee). In any given month that we write new business over and above our set goal, then she receives a monetary incentive for each piece of business written. This motivates her to schedule appointments and to actively solicit quotes that will generate new business.
As to awards given to students - there are other awards than just A and AB Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance. What about Citzenship? I know that in the past my daughter has received an award for Citzenship. And what about Music, she has received those too! Some teachers are very creative - one year a friend of my daughters received an award for being a "helping and caring friend" who assisted my daughter in going to the bathroom and other things she needed help with when she had her cast on her arm.

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