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Date Posted: 17:36:44 05/10/02 Fri
Author: mod
Subject: Re: Accelerated Reader
In reply to: Calm 's message, "Re: Accelerated Reader" on 16:43:08 05/10/02 Fri

The awards assemblies this year so far have included Attendance awards, A Honor Roll, A/B Honor Roll, Presidential Fitness awards, AR certificates, and Perfect Fitness awards. Where were the citizenship awards this year? We must have missed that part of the ceremonies this year. There certainly are a lot of kids sitting on the floor without any sort of recognition at every awards assembly.

The article referenced has nothing to do with adult workplace incentives, but we'll extrapolate. If you took that incentive away from your secretary, do you think she would work just as hard for you? Why wouldn't you hire someone who would be motivated enough on their own to solicit quotes to generate new business, guaranteeing her job security? I don't remember questioning whether you were employees, independent contractors? That doesn't make a difference to the issue on hand.

Back to the topic... we are trying to build skills and a love of reading. If the Library has an ice cream party for the entire school for participating in the AR program, that is completely different than having a party just for the kids who achieve a certain level or point value. The latter situation is simply a bribe. No matter how you package it, it doesn't foster a love of reading. It makes children think that they deserve something for reading books, which they should be doing because they like reading, not because they want to go to the ice cream party (or get the pencil, certificate).

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