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Date Posted: 18:08:37 06/01/02 Sat
Author: Past PTA Board Member
Subject: Re: Some PTA answers
In reply to: mod 's message, "Re: Some PTA answers" on 20:33:50 04/30/02 Tue

Dear Mod,

Although I applaud you for your effort in trying to reach the parental population of John R. Beatty, I will also note you have NEVER been on a PTA board....at this school or any other(it's obvious by your comments)...I have...twice.....At John R. Beatty. We did have the General Meetings ( Which at the most had 15 people at them) I did call EVERYONE from volunteer lists. I did have double the amount booked for a given event ( experience taught me that at least 1/2 would not show up...even after being called and them volunteering for a specific time)which by the way for one event alone,could take me 5 days on the phone for 4 hours a day.... I know the HOURSSSSS and DAYSSSS and WEEKS it takes for planning...and on the phone.... I for one will say....when you become a board member and you see what REAL life is about....you too will applaud those few..who do what they do....It takes ALOT of time away from your family...you took on a responsibiity...and although you don't get paid for it..you do the VERY BEST you can....and often that is at your own family's expense.

I urge all those who are TRULY committed...to contact the board members....not just sign up on a list....don't ASSUME that there is someone else to do it....or that they don't want or NEED your help..you have NO idea how many times those same board members have had the doors closed.You have no idea that often if it takes a week of solid phone calling, to find those volunteers, you could have spent that same time constructively doing it yourself.....yesss they end up calling the same people...why?? because they KNOW they can COUNT on them....be someone they can COUNT on.....Stop complaining....and PITCH IN

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