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Date Posted: 20:31:54 06/05/02 Wed
Author: Tim
Subject: Re: P.E.
In reply to: Doris T. 's message, "Re: P.E." on 00:29:12 06/05/02 Wed

Doris, did you know that skin cancer is the most common cancer in the US, affecting some 900,000 Americans a year? Causes of skin cancer are:
1. Sunburn, sunlight, and tanning
This refers to the total amount of sunlight received over the years as well as overexposure(sunburn).
2. Heredity
Fair skinned seem to be the most at risk here.
3. Environment
The level of UV light today is higher than it was 50 to 100 year ago due to the reduction of the ozone in the earth's atmosphere.
The American Academy of Deratology and Skin Cancer Foundation recommends the following six steps to reduce your risk of sunburn or skin cancer.
1. Minimize your exposure to the sun at midday and between the hours of 10:00 am and 3:00 pm.
2. Apply sunscreen with at least a SPF-15 or higher to all exposed areas of skin.
3. Reapply sunscreen ever TWO hours. (THIS DOESN'T SOUND GOOD FOR THE KIDS WITH PE AFTER 11:00 AM, DOES IT?)
4. Wear clothing that covers your body and shades your face.
5.Avoid exposure to UV radiation from sunlamps or tanning.
6. PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN. Keep them from excessive sun exposure when the sun is strongest (10am to 3pm)and apply sunscreen liberally and frequently to children over 6 mo.
So I guess my recommendation to you, Doris T., is that based on the high risk life style that you have led over the past 40 years combined with your lack of current and up to date knowledge regarding the prevention of skin cancer, is that you should schedule and appointment with your physician immediatly for a skin cancer screening.

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