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Date Posted: 12:55:01 07/05/02 Fri
Author: mod
Subject: A link
In reply to: calm 's message, "Re: devisive?" on 10:50:46 07/05/02 Fri

Correction - correct spelling is divisive-adj. causing disagreement or dissension.

Thank you for correcting this. In days of inventive spelling and other new teaching methods, it's important, as adults, to set a good example for proper spelling.

Of course we're here to make people think and question things. If not, we'd be like the Germans following Hitler, never questioning. Our school, after all, is a PUBLIC school, and has to answer to all parents... not just the ones who don't question anything.

Here's a good article from the New York Times, that specifically cites that the internet makes it easier for parents to share information, critiquing their schools.
Click here for the article. You may have to register with NY Times Online in order to see it.

Sorry if you feel we're not doing anything by bringing issues to light. We feel we are providing a much needed service and will continue to do so. By this, we allow all sides of an issue to be heard and haven't deleted any posts, whether in agreement or disagreement with our stance. What is more fair than that?

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