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Date Posted: 22:09:03 04/30/02 Tue
Author: PTA President
Subject: Re: E-Script Monies
In reply to: Sandy G 's message, "Re: E-Script Monies" on 10:56:00 04/30/02 Tue

Your PTA can be reached at 799-5700. I also send home flyers with my home phone number on a regular basis. If you actually attend this school, then you would have it on hand.

Referencing the fund raising money going to the kids at John Beatty... of course they do. You being a former PTA person knows better than to even suggest the money isn't going to the kids. Guess what? The money also goes to the teachers, staff, custodian, the entire school. But you know this already, since you are a former PTA person.

Referencing that monies are only going to charities...during the Holiday Season the PTA sponsored 3 families from John Beatty who received gifts from our loving parent community, teachers & staff...I believe in PTA setting an example and giving back to the community... one day our little kids will do the same when they are adults (they might even be PTA members) which is why I give so much of my time to PTA and our school. I am only sorry that you did not see the tears of happiness on the parents faces who had absolutely nothing to give their kids during the holiday season. I am sorry that you weren't aware of this very special event and encourage you to be a part of it next year...it is called the Giving Tree and you would get a kick out of seeing the little John Beatty faces light up when they see bags and bags of gift wrapped presents that we bring to the homes (donated by the parent community, teachers, staff and PTA).

I don't understand you position. You don't want to complain and yet you have the nerve to attack a small group of people who do 20+ hours a week for our school on a volunteer basis. Believe me, every PTA in every school is run differently.

Two years ago there was not going to be a PTA at our school because no one was willing to step up to the plate - so I did. Being the PTA President has been the most rewarding experience of my life and also the most difficult because it requires so much personal time to be devoted to the school if you want things to run smoothly and effeciently.

Our PTA has accomplished so much this past year on the limited amount of volunteers. This is the case for almost every PTA in schools across the nation. That is why at the State Level Convention they address why the PTA spends thousands of dollars on advertising campaigns to try and bring back PTA to schools. You see, PTA is a dying breed... with society expecting both parents to work, with the increase in single parent families, volunteer work is almost becoming non-existant. Being a former PTA person who visits the PTA website, you know this already.

So, my friend, shame on you for being involved with your other schools PTA and not coming into our office and asking how you can help... and I feel sorry for you that you hide behind a computer screen instead of being in the warm, life learning classroom experiencing your child's educational development.

I encourage you to break away from the computer and get your hands dirty in PTA & school events... like helping put sunscreen on the kids during Field Day or painting banners for the carnival or baking cookies & cakes for the cake walk or signing people up for the Escript program or helping out with Bring Dad/Bring Mom to School day etc...

This will be my last year as PTA President and I am leaving with happy memories of seeing my children enjoying the activities and accomplishments that I, along with all my other friends, created.

Referencing PTA responding defensively... I don't think your comment is accurate. We are a very approachable group...ask anyone at the school or call 799-5700 and meet us. We don't avoid conversation about tough issues and whether you want to believe it or not... this PTA is moving in the right direction. Call me and I would be happy to talk with you about it.

I also encourage you to come to the Open Forum on Friday and bring your friends too. Most of the messages posted have been during the day, so I believe those who have concerns DO have the time to attend. I will be there too, with Krispy Kreme doughnuts :)

I wish you the best,
PTA President, Denise Marshall

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  • Re: E-Script Monies -- Past PTA Board member, 18:14:24 06/01/02 Sat

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